Charisma Stat?

First off just wanted to say i am loving this game so far. This is the real deal.
So… about the Charisma Stat, i read that it is supposed the be the average(mean) of the charisma on each piece of gear.
for every combination i have tried, none of my charisma totals make any sense, and equipping an item with more Charisma than the stat makes the stat(sometimes)go down somehow. I even took all of my gear off and tried getting anything to make sense but none of them equaled the average of what i had equipped

IS this a bug, or am i completely missing something?,Thanks and much love!

You can see here i am wearing only 2 items which have a charisma of 8 and 12 at 100% condition, yet my Charisma stat is stuck at 7.

It’s definitely odd. This is a guess and only based on the playing around I’ve done, but I feel like it also takes your naked slots into account and uses them -against- equipped gear, to an extent. it also won’t take into account gear that’s underneath other gear, though that makes sense with how they portrayed it not affecting undergarments.

Charisma is not solely based on gear - you don’t have 0 charisma when you are naked, so you have to count this in aswell

If you want higher charisma I can recommend to skill herbalist skill, just pick up flowers/herbs. You can get to level 5 pretty fast, then you can choose a perk that will increase charisma by 2 points

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Hello giggitygoo2221.
I have the same problem with charisma on clothing. I have tried to find out how this works, but cant understand it. This is ether a bug or a new unexplained feature in the game.

Charisma is affected predominantly by several things:

Alcohol (Which can provide short-term buffs whilst drunk so long as you don’t get carried away)

Clothing makes the man, finer attire will generally net a charisma boost, bear in mind charisma boosts only come from VIEWABLE clothing, if you have say a jacket on over something that would provide a charisma boost, that can negate it.

Cleanliness, next to godliness, Bloody and dirty attire can also negatively impact your appearance. Noone wants to talk with someone covered in blood and mud.

Charisma/speech perks. There ARE ways to give yourself a perk-boost to Charisma, the chief one is ‘fragrance’ (under Maintanence) which, when carrying a few fragrant herbs will give you a +2 Charisma bonus, there is also “Ken”, which will give a +2 to charisma at a -1 to Strength. Fragrance is an easy one to net as it requires little more than hitting the grind-stones a few times to keep your weapons in shape (and using grind-stones to maintain blades is free.)

All told, it takes a substantial amount of coin, but you can pull together clothing to get you to the 14-16 charisma range, then use those perks to boost you to 20.

Edit log(s): Changed wording for opening, perks

PS: Ken (Which is under main levels) will in fact give a -2, not -1, apologies.

Thanks for answer, but i know what charisma does. The thing i dont understand is how the stat on the clothing works.
The same problem is with noice stat.
I can put on a clean shirt with more charisma than another shirt but still it goes down. And this is without any other clothing on. Both shirts are at 100 percent and clean.

I now noticed i have two pants thats the same. Same name, same stats. The only differens is that one of them are still marked stolen. The stolen one gives me one more charisma then the other one. Why is that?

One is less dirty than the other?

It does seem like exact same articles of clothing (in name) have different stats, even at same qualities. keep this in mind.

Having 40 mint in your inventory gives you the Charisma buff.

Don’t even need that much, honestly, seems like 5-15 fragrant herbs works just fine.

Serk! No they are the same. Both clean and both with 100 percent durability. Im 70 hours into the game and i have find so many bugs and exploits that this game should still be in beta.

I counted around 29-30 flowers in inventory to get the charisma bonus.

Rixoli. If the stats was different i would have noticed. When i say all stats are the same on the item i meen it. It seems that there is something wrong with the stats on clothing. We are several players that have tested it and we all came to the same conclution.

Just because they’re not marked as dirty doesn’t mean they’re not dirty, the pants in the pic for example was visibly wet by the ankles and not marked as dirty. The durability is also more gradual than percentage, it can be slightly damaged but still marked as 100%. There’s a lot of small things that will affect charisma, even your other stats.

Maybe not all those flowers were fragrant, or some were less fragrant. A dandelion for example is a completely useless flower regarding fragrance.

Voxdalian. I dont get your point. Are you trying to tell me it is intended? In that case i really want you to explain how the system works. Because me and my gaming community do not understand it and i know its many more out there thats curious about it. I have to say that me and my friends are adults and really hardcore gamers. We have alot of experience with alpha and beta testing and alot of experience within the rpg genre. Please explain to me… The only answers i get are questions about dirtyness/durability, average stats counting and such. I now all this things and i whouldnt have written here if i didnt do some research.
I am sorry if i sound a little harsh, i have to say i love the game so much that i dont really care about all the bugs and such. I only want to now if there is a new unexplained system that i do not understand or if it is a bug/bad scripting like many other things in the game. I take my time through the games i play and really want to experience every aspect of them.