Combat becomes trivially easy by mid-game. This MUST be fixed

Due to how damage scaling seems to work relative to armor values, it’s easy to drop any enemy – even a heavily armored one – with a handful of strikes after beefing up Henry’s combat skills a little, even with a weapon that would realistically be completely ineffective against armor (such as a sword). I accidentally killed a well-armored mercenary who challenged me to a duel after one-shotting him with a longsword riposte, and I’m only 27 hours in!

This has to be fixed, and soon. After about an hour of sparring with Captain Bernard in Rattay, I managed to improve my character’s strength and swordsmanship to 10 and 12, respectively. After selecting some perks that compliment my playstyle, such as Brute, I’m suddenly able to slash plate-wearing enemies to death within two or three longsword swings (sometimes, even one swing is enough to do the trick).

I feel like I have to intentionally gimp myself by using a weapon I’m unproficient in just to keep the game even remotely challenging or interesting. Damage values (such as “slash” and “pierce”) need to be toned down, and they need to scale less with levels in governing attributes and skills such as Strength and Swords.

Great care was taken to ensure that combat in KC:D is period-authentic and sophisticated. All that goes out the window when you can walk up to an armored knight and kill him with two or three taps of your sword.


Rah it’s too easy. I agree. I can do 1v27 no problem.


Wait is that the pribyslavitz camp?

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Yeah, I went there to “scout” lol


Nice scout and sabotage mission :joy:


Hahaha, honestly I wonder if killing them will help the battle, we can just walk right it. I’ll let you know! :joy:

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This is by far the worst issue in the game. It completely destroys the game’s integrity. It’s so frustrating that something as simple as out-of-balance damage and armor values, something that could probably be fixed with a few keystrokes to change some values around, is essentially resulting in sanctioned God mode. Why have maces if you can kill a plate-wearing hooligan in two sword swings? Why have a deep, rich, sophisticated combat system if it all goes out the window after sparring with Bernard for a short while? It feels really cheap and poorly-done.


I’m sure they’ll see that some rebalancing could be due. Game is still amazingly fun. AI needs improvement. If I’m not careful with stamina however they can stagger and really fuck me up and kill me though. I think the AI just need to be smarter and more difficult.


I agree, of course, that rebalancing is due. However, the fundamental problem isn’t the AI – which could use improvement, make no mistake – but rather the insanely skewed damage and armor values that result in the aforementioned issues.

You shouldn’t be able to cut through heavy plate armor with a sword like a hot knife through butter simply because you’re strong or your sword skill is high. It goes against the realistic pitch this game was sold on, and like I said earlier, it destroys the game’s integrity. Think of all the work that went into the game’s combat, and think about how that’s all ruined by the fact that you can ignore all of it just because your skills are high.


No I do agree. Many enemy’s a sliced about like walking potatoes with cloth for armor

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I dearly hope this issue gets noticed by the devs. It undermines so much work and effort that went into the game’s combat system. :frowning:


Yeah its kinda laughable. I didnt really concentrate on the main mission and as soon as i fought Runt i just one shotted him. pretty lame.


1 on 1 2 on one even 3 on one is pretty easy. Hit runt once with my pommel and beat him?? Like i love the realism amd “physical” combat. But to k.o a brute like that would take a very presice amd well aimed strike to the head. But 4 on one like the TIMMY quest was absolutely insane. 4 bandits each take their turns slashing or punching you and your dead/unconsious in a matter of seconds. I had to leave it and raise my intimidation to tell them to piss off. But then any other bandito on the road just gets slaughtered in no time. Also if your trying to fight the fight club in rattay and cant get a hit on them take off the vambraces you got with the bow tutorial. I had tp beat them using only clinches lol. I love this game to bits but its deffinatly clear it should of stayed behind curtains for alittle while longer.

Hahahaha i did the same but at night they all just kept waking up with no armor and i kept bashing their heads in even the guy call murlock or whatever his name is got recked as well but for some reason the game gave me a cutscene when i reached the church and it was weird because you see henry walking to the gate where all the bandits are and watching runt stab a guy so maybe you can actually join them

you can and you can not at the same time it will give you a cut scene with runts and the cumans dealing with one of his lackeys but then after the church gate closes

“Realistic pitch” aye, putting an arrow in a mans head before he comes to batter me with an axe for a solid ten minute combo.

See I smashed Murcock in the timmy mission. But I had leveled sword up to 13 and had like 15 strength with perks.

I look at the stats levels like 0 nobody 5 good 10 one of the best in kingdom, 15 one of the best in Europe, 20 one of the best in the world.

Sure it’s not precisely animated because it’s insanely hard to animate the progression. I assume as Henry gets better levels represent knowing things like gaps in armor to strike and many subtle combat knowledges that are shown through higher attack power.


That’s a flimsy and awful justification for what boils down to bad design oversight. For starters, since when does sparring with Bernard for an hour in the fighting ring yield “one of the best fighters in the kingdom”? Second, why have a sophisticated and deep combat system in place if it’s completely irrelevant once you can kill armored opponents in as little as a single sword swing?

I’m still kind of sucky at combos and ripostes, and yet I don’t even have to worry about any of that. I can slice right through most of my enemies, even if they’re blocking. It shouldn’t have to be explained why that’s bad and why it has to be fixed, especially given the fact that the game goes out of its way to emphasize Henry’s average-ness.


Great post dude. I really hope they didn’t nerf the values to make the game easier for the whiners. The great Zeltchoron massacre is the biggest proof that something needs to change lol. For all the hype, runt and his men died like fucking potato sacks. The battle took me all of 5 minutes. That shouldn’t happen