Do we know if/when mods will be available on console ? I know Sony doesn’t like mods as much like Microsoft does, but it did allow for a bit of modding for Skyrim and Fallout. I just think it might be sweet post-game.
Due to sony and microsoft being afraid of copyrighted content mods, i doubt we’ll see any console with a free open end for mods for any game.
If you’re really looking for mods, PC will always be the only true option.
It’d be nice. There appear to be a lot of in game assets to work with (Sony’s restriction with Bethesda modding). But, per some, WH hasn’t rec’d a green light to roll out its (quasi) equivalent version of Creation Kit. Without it, I doubt we’ll see anything on PS4.
KCD has towns and villages but resource management isn’t a part of the game. So, things like Sim Settlements for KCD will require a whole lot more development.
If settlements and resource management aren’t current hooks, that leaves combat and quests. The combat AI needs tweaking, but that could be fun.
That’s mostly because it isn’t up to HS to allow mods for console, it’s up to Sony and Microsoft, which they don’t allow to anyone, except bethesda right now, and even those, they only allow non-copyrightyed mods.
As for PC, i’ve read somewhere that it’s up to Crytek to allow HS to release the SDK or not, since HS doesn’t own the rights to the engine, they only have a license to use it.
terrible news.over a million copies sold to date. many on consoles. not very forward thinking
PS4 has many excellent mods even though they are restricted by internal assets. Some of Andrewcx’s Fallout 4 mods for PS4 are so good others have asked him to port them to PC and XBox
It’s not HS fault, it’s yours (yours as the community), if you bought a game for console excepting mods.
If you want mods, you go for PC, where there’s no one there to tell you, but yourself of what you can install, and what you can’t.
While beth isn’t the only company that allows real mods (and not only a map maker like Halo), you don’t see modding on consoles for several reasons, mostly because Sony/Microsoft don’t want to risk themselfs with adult mods, copyrighted mods, and content that might damage or reduce the performance of their systems.
Fault? Who the heck mentioned fault? I sure didn’t
I didn’t buy KCD for mods or to mod. If KCD had console mods, I’d play KCD for years and buy every DLC offered. If KCD doesn’t ever get mods, KCD’ll likely be a short term flame.
An alternative approach is to encourage WH to reconsider. Not right now, but down the road.
It is users that pressured Sony and Bethesda to make mods enabled for FO4 (and Skyrim). This isn’t or shouldn’t be fundamentally different.
All those reasons you mentioned for MS and Sony are not barriers to Skyrim and Fallout 4
owell game done for me. not much to game for price even with dlc that would cost even more money not worth guess thats it for this company if this is what i can look forward to.
Xbox One is fine with mods on their Games, I played as both Batman and Ironman on Fallout 4. Incredible, Also Skyrim has the greatest Vampire mods
I want mods too for COnsole. But if not, I will buy the PC version.
Make it happen, Both FO4 and Skyrim had it…KCD should have it…SIMPLE
Mods ? On a potato lol
If you want mods my dear then your going to need more than a glorified alarm clock…
Mods in this game on a console lmfao
glorified alarm clocks are not only good, they have a good number of mods.
FO4 PS4 has 2848 mods. among them, the most popular has been downloaded 1.392.506 times
Mods worked on the weakest current Gen COnsole (FO4 Xbone) So yes, It’s definitely possible
12 years old should not even be playing this title.
Medication time my dear.
Spoken like a person who has no clue how insanely difficult it was to get “some” mods up, and how terribly restrictive those mods are compared to PC. Please in the future, if you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about, don’t make claims like “simple”.
Bethesda had to bring their entire publishing power to bear on MS and Sony to make this happen. ie. “maybe we won’t make consoles a priority in the future if you can’t see your way clear” Plus they had to spend their own money and resources. Quicksilver and Warhorse have none of those things working in their favor. They have no leverage and didn’t really build this game to be a modder’s dream and also… this isn’t an engine that’s been around for 50 trillion years like Gamebryo errrr CreationEngine.
The mods available right now are hacks. Big difference.
False narrative. Todd at E3 mentioned modding during FO4 preview. (iow, he set an expectation before permission was received from MS and Sony; he put himself and Bethesda out on that limb). He, Pete and others had to pressure and be pressured (online petitions, etc) to make it happen. No way Todd or anyone else made Sony and MS such a vacuous threat
Nobody said it’d be easy.
Most fundamental problem is getting licensure/approval to use the WH home grown tool(s)