The helmet for the nobility is not necessarily distinguished by the presence of gold. Often the difference between a simple and expensive helmet lies in the field of assembly technology and design.
A simple example: the cuirass is expensive and pristizhnom armor inaccessible to simple infantrymen, the brigantine is cheap and accessible to all.
Helmets of elite warriors - they can not be many. And they should belong only to the commanders of the detachments.
Expensive technologies: a seamless dome or a dome with hidden seams, curved ribs, anatomical elements (half-masks and full masks), ornamentation and gilding, individual elements on the top of the helmet. You can not just take off the gilding and call it a simple helmet.
More simple helmets are made easier and not so exquisite.
The simplest helmets for ordinary soldiers.
I hope the visual difference is visible right away. If not - then I’m helpless.