Delivery of Physical Copy

It was about 100€
Collector’s edition is same as Duke, some shops offers nice steelbook bonus. The main dissapointment (aside from missing Czech dubbing, which is still open wound, and even missing German dub for PS4) is also missing Making of DVD and printed manual, so extra money were actually just to supporty project.
I am okay with my console Baron tier, though I am still waiting for it and any info. The last one was few weeks ago that maybe I will got only digital version, which would make me quite sad.

Collector’s edition includes metal “action figure” and silver coin?

Oh my bad, it has brass coin and not silver. Metal figure included.

Well I guess silver versus brass is a fair improvement, disappointing if the regular store CE gets a metal figure as well though, I thought the “cheap” CE was meant to be resin and the KS backers get metal :frowning:

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Cannot say for sure, I don’t see into it well. I am just thinking that for me as not technical person it don’t makes that much change to notice it :smile:

I don’t know exactly what’s going on, but I guess there are some people in studio to fix the problems they have, if they have some. Maybe they just have forgotten to send the stuff or send the wrong stuff to the wrong people. Would be embarrassing…

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I think the game would be great and all, really looking forward and still happy I backed, but… it would have been nice if they show some love. I know there was a lot of community service all the way long, but…

No Making of DVD for those who backed - Ok
No printed manual which show some work - Ok
No letter in package with tiers to show gratitude - Ok
No mail about how the delivery works and people are blindly getting their editions not expecting them making this chaos and misunderstanding - Ok then

I did not follow the developement much, was just happy to back, and am not much a collector, but when I bought the limited edition of Destiny 1 and inside was a letter thanking me and wishing me good adventury, I was really happy and jumped in the game excited. I am not telling, that this won’t come in the future to the Kingdom, but right now it makes me feel slightly sad.


There was an announcement about this some time ago that the making of DVD is still being made and will not be released with the game.

Its coming.


Fusselpulli is just trying to stop streams on Twitch. Nice. Not able to post here, but to act there… thank you.


But I would really like to get the content I backed for. I put trust in the Warhorse Studio on Oct. 4th, 2014, so 3 and a quarter year ago. I think now it’s time to get something back, something that was promised; not Azor Ahai, just the stuff of the my “Duke physical (Collector’s Edition)” (and all the other editions to all other backers). I’ll be fine if they send some physical items later, but please let me (us) now.


Winter is coming for House Warhorse

I do not know what this means?

but nobody from Warhorse has said that you aren’t getting what you backed for. maybe stop whining and wait for official word?

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Really? I don’t think so actually…

I really have no idea what you mean by that statement.

In my opinion they should have told us before the process of delivering. I don’t deny that they won’t send all the promised stuff, but they could have communicated that some items will come later. The only thing I heard of was the Making-of-DVD.

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It’s hard not to make a pre-mature statements, but two days to go I would prefere things more detaily explained for the backers. That short Backer Reward info on site Is not much help.

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It’s an variation of a famous quotation from Game of Thrones.

I don’t have any problem with delays, but I would like to be informed beforehand. It’s just about that little detail.

As I said I was already informed of the delay of the making-of-DVD, so I don’t problem with that.

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This time it means hat bad times are ahead for them.