Not sure if this is the right section for this
Anyways before I start this post I would like to say, in the case of any of the actors reading this, I apologize and I’m sure this game doesn’t do you justice
Now with that out of the way
I was watching the promotional video (trailer) and I noticed that henry was dancing with a girl. Ok, but why does she look… ugly i would go so far to say
same with bianca and his mother in gameplay of the tutorial thats on youtube
Like sure I get that they wouldn’t be supermodels or anything but at least make them look slightly better, we still are playing a game and if i am to spend any large amount of time interacting with a certain woman I’d want her to be pleasant on the eyes
Anyways this wouldnt be such a problem if the men in the story looked as bad, but it is just the women that seem to look derpy