Fix this please!

Continuing the discussion from Report Bugs Here Please!:

So is anyone else not able to play because all the people in the game are black squares or blocky black figures, and when it rains its all over everlything turns black.

ahhh, nope on PC

Yeah pc version sucks at the moment I even tried undownloading the game and starting over same thing happens every time after a cutsene

still, I had no problems like that.
for me 1.42 &1.43 cleared up my major problems.: halberds, stuttering when moving, straws house crash. interrogate captive crash., villagers not leaving after dealing with captive, just off the top of my head.
not fixed: Capon running around in his underwear, a bug that caused the loss of all on board inventory that infected at least 10 saves and caused a weird save start sequence another start forcing a severe roll back of game play ( did not have a recurrence).

This is my problem lol

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You might want to try newer graphic drivers (if you didn’t do that already).

I haven’t had a single major bug in over 100 hours of gameplay on PC.

Fix the bandits searching for Timmy in Rattay please.