Fooled again

fair enough. if we don’t have patience in communication with each other, we’re fucked as community.

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compared some others such as Ancient that ignores your words and then mirrors what you said as critique of you, rataj isn’t that bad

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Don’t think he’s bad at all. Don’t think anyone here is, some people just have too big a stick up their hind side. I attempt to provide a mental laxative where I can.

agree. think it speaks to how WH determined what it wanted as DLC. if you recall what Prokop said, ashes was expanded beyond what WH had originally planned. i take that to mean WH intended ashes to be a small Pribyslavitz related vignette, not hearts of stone-like. not sure vignettes are best use of DLCs as they tend to be more cutetsy and less functional

Christian mentioned expansion (not KCD2). that seems quite promising to me

Agree pretty much everything except the forest being utter crap… I’ve been playing that damn game for 4 years and still love the hell out of it.