Forum performance

The forum itself is very nice. But I think there should be less demanding variant. I would like to have it permanently opened but I think it consumes a lot of cpu and memory power.

Also (I don’t know if its because of my computer or overwhelmed server) the response could be better. Ocassionally when I click on some topic, I see the spinning “Loading” circle for too long.

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I think most of the issues are not based on the software being used. Instead the whole website was crashed some minutes ago because of a dDoS of all the people accessing the webpage at the same time. This is not so unusual.

And yes, the wepage uses more memory than your usual text only webpage but I can assure you that this webpage is not the top memory user in my tabs. :smiley:

The “Loading” is from overwhelmed server Warhorse underestimated our interest in them :smile: .
My experience with discourse is that it is really nice and the forums that use less memory you have to refresh all the time, because they are just text.

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Discourse is still in beta. We are trying to balance performance on server. If you find any issue don’t’ hesitate to report it. Thank you.

Why couldnt this board be hosted on ipb or phpbb or anything more user friendly. This one is visually ok but really not easy to use. Warhorse any chance of moving this board to some other forum hosting?

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Couldn’t get in earlier, got error 404 ,but I guess the server was stressed . So far everything seems to load ok for me.

Looking forward to it. Right now performance is way better than right after the launch but it’s still not comfortable enough.

They said on kickstarter that they will discuss changes about forum on monday.

From my experience phpbb or ipb seem more userfriendly only because they have been around for ages and everyone is used for them.
When I first saw discourse sometime ago it was confusing at first, but after while of browsing around I think discourse is better and more userfriendly than older forums.

I agree, we don’t have to see the image of the horse on the top on the forums, this slows things down considerably

True, and… it’s gone :slight_smile:


Much better without the horse :slight_smile:

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Yeah. Without the title horse animation, it’s much better. Thanks.
The loading speed could still be better though, but no pressure :).

Well I think that the speed now is caused by overloaded server. If they buy/rent better server the speed will increase.

Hell yeah :slight_smile: You gotta do what you gotta do.

I’ve been on so many forums already, I’ve seen so many but this here is awesome. You know that the forum is automatically refreshing the content. Which of the mentioned forum software is doing that?

Yeah! I think this is the right choice for game like this. Forum is awesome and those tips and tricks are great :wink: But back to topic, I also had some issues with loading, but I think It’s a bit overhelmed.

Yes, we know :slight_smile: We are managing to add more RAM to the server and it’ll be more awesome soon. I hope.

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The utilization of the forum seems to have calmed down.
Currently I have no problems with the loading speed.

Because so many people rushed into the forums with a ram, the server admin had to add lots of RAM.

… how I love to play with words :smiley:

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