From the ashes is boring and way too short

The problem with that is, then it need more content, don’t get me wrong, I’m not negative regarding the DLC, in my opinion it was a good idea, unfortunately some of the restriction kind of hindered it from from being great.

Why can’t I build a guard house and a stable, these kind of questions. Also Henry got the whole forest to manage, there was so much that could have been done with this DLC to make it last longer.

I understand it is a question of resources, and we know you don’t make DLC’s with deep mechanics unless you dedicate a lot of resources.

Just take Witcher 3 Blood and wine DLC, $20 and just as big as the main game!


And as long as WH not telling why they copied the hearthfire concept/idea there is no chance for FtA to survive

Oh please, the town building/management isn’t hardly unique to Skyrim, and Skyrim (hearthfire came out in 2012) was not the first game to do it by a long shot… If anything from the ashes more closely resembles Assassins creed 2 (2009), where you can rebuild the town.

Skyrim wasn’t even the first Bethesda to incorporate house decorating.


and I really don’t care if they copied anything, it’s not unique to have someone rebuild or build a house or a town, it’s HOW you do it. In that light KCD is a bit behind the power curve.


Oh please, the decision concept or idea behind it is from it!
like Lancelot said,

But who cares, right?!
And for me it is incomprehensible how a decision should make a rpg more elegant (in case of FtA houses)

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I never commented on the quality of the dlc, I’m merely pointing out that comparing it to Hearthfire is dumb. I agree that From the Ashes could have been a lot better.

No it’s not. Hearthfire is a house builder/ decorator. From the Ashes is a town builder/ management. It’s more comparable to Assassins creed 2s “rebuilding the villa”, or Fallout 4s town builder. Hearthfire wasn’t even the first Bethesda game to incorporate house decorating.

I never commented on the quality of the Dlc, only on the comparison you made.

In Skyrim you got one real personal house.
In AC2 you got a twon with non real personal house
Now KCD, a town with no real personal house.
Sykrim forced for decisions of rooms
AC2 hasnt any decisions
And KCD combines both, a town with decisions (incl. no real personal house)

So still a copy of these conepts.

Those are very general concepts. I feel you could call implementation of a sword that player can carry and use copied idea that way too.


rataj…not again…….please stop it!!
FtA is NOT a Hearthfire copy!

In your view every FPS is a copy of Wolfenstein, right?!
Every RPG and DLC a copy of Skyrim and its DLCs, right?
Every Gameplay mechanic that was used in a game before can’t be used again because then you will call it a copy, right?

That make no sense, bro!


Funny how everyone compares all RPGs to Skyrim but there were good RPGs before it and Skyrim was not very original compared to those before it.


Ashes is derivative in some ways, unique in others. To me, it’s more akin to Rise of the Commonwealth mod than anything else. The Locator is the equivalent of the terminal. Because KCD is incapable of delivering on its Kickstarter target of a sandbox, they went with focused options instead of fully customizable settlement building. Made the effort manageable for WH

With that sentence you showed me that you not getting the point, maybe you’re only dumb!
So yeah i will stop now and we will talk again after all dlc’s are released.

Ich hab dir bereits auf deutsch gesagt warum dein Standpunkt nicht haltbar ist. Du sagtest in einem andern Thread bereits FtA ist eine Hearthfire Kopie und das ist schlichtweg falsch! Du vergleichst grobe Gamemechaniken miteinander…genau wie du es hier schon wieder tust :wink:

Daher auch mein “Vergleich”…vielleicht bist du einfach etwas zu dämlich um das zu raffen!!!

I already told you in German why your point of view is not tenable. You said in another thread FTA is a Hearthfire copy and that is simply wrong! You compare rough game mechanics to each other… just like you do here again

No it’s not. For the last time, FTA, is a town builder/manager, Hearth fire is a house decorator. Has to be one of the worst comparisons ive ever seen in my life.

The only thing they have in common is that you can build, that’s literally it. You don’t get income in Hearthfire, you don’t make judicial decisions, and you’re only constructing one building, your personal home.

I honestly cannot think of anything Skyrim did that was original.


Hence the Rise of the Settlements (Sim Settlements) mod comparison … esp given that one of the ashes devs is a self admitted FO enthusiast

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I must agree…

When I started I was in the end game but I actually had only about 4K groschen. For me the dlc added an extra 20 hours that I gladly played through. I basically made Henry into a full on merchant; buying and selling at higher prices, (also killing people and taking their stuff as well as robbing their houses, and selling armor from fallen enemies) so I could gain enough money to build up my village, and I really enjoyed this. Before the dlc, I had little reason to do things like hunt and sell skins and meat to make groschen (hence I ended the game with 4K extra.) I’m really sorry that your experience wasn’t as good as mine but that doesn’t mean the dlc succ.


Trust me, he won’t get it anyways!

Well my friend, i dedicated a entire new playtrough just for this DLC. I did everything knowing that i would need tons of money to rebuild Pribitzlavitz. I saved money, became a hunter for Talmberg, hunted as hell (there is no more hares in Bohemia because of me), i even repair the gear of my falling enemies to sell for more money, and i farmed tons of it.

Them, the moment arrives to rebuild Pribitzlavitz and spend all the money i was saving. I was truly excited!

So, i go to build, manage to have 2k + in income for the village, judged some stupid cases, brought extra people to the village like Matew and the other retarded, Kunesh, the girl from the mill… Everyone i could brought. And so i builded my stupid church and… Thats it. End of the DLC, no more shit to do on the village.

And i thought to myself: “Is that all? I dedicated so much to see the new content of the DLC and they gave me this???”

For me was a disappointing experience. Not taking into account the bug i’m suffering. My swordsmith shop is empty. The guy i invite to be my swordsmith has nothing to sell and 0 groschen. Nothing in the shop to display too. So i couldn’t even see the fucking “new sword” that DLC brought…

I’m really glad that you enjoyed this piece of crap. Sincerely. At least someone is not frustrated with this. But for me and the majority of the players, this DLC is a waste of time, money and resources that WH should have invested in patching the fucking bugs that still persists and finish the game after more them 5 months after launch.


I got it, kk. Not like you, who never changed opinions and instead forcing and raping others with your vision! Peseant!

How many times have you written this in other discussions. Dont you have anything else to offer?
Like, worst yourself!

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