Game stutter/crashing within 3-5 minutes of play

As the title states, I can’t seem to be able to run the game for more than 5 minutes before it CTDs. Despite changing the graphical settings my framerate also stays the same (20-25fps). Does anyone know of a solution to this?

Computers Specs -

Windows 10 Pro
32GB of RAM

Hello @SirGarren,

welcome to our community, and thank you for supporting the game.

Maybe you have “played around” with the sliders. There is a bug. Putting them to far, the game starts shuttering and crashes.

Put the sliders back to 25%.

If this doesn´t work, try deleting the user_game file located in the directory the game is installed.

Have fun with the game! :blush:

Hello @Blacksmith,

Thank you for the help. I hadn’t originally changed the sliders so I decided to delete the user_game file anyway. Seemed to help. Was finally able to get to Merjohed’s Encampment.

Does changing the game into fullscreen change any sliders by chance? I can play in a tiny window just fine.

Changing into window or fullscreen makes no trouble. :slightly_smiling: (no issue known, so far)

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Went ahead and fullscreened it. Working great so far! Thanks for all the help again. Really enjoying what I’m playing so far. Now off to find some Cumans!


i have the same issue…but i am not able to find the user_game file in the game-folder ???
unfortunatly i really had changed the sliders :confused: setting them back to 0 % doesnt work either…

user_game was for Alpha.

For Beta it´s

Have fun :slight_smile:

It doesnt do anything for me. I tried to delete user_kingdome after putting slide to 10%, I still have 20 fps with freeze in high. If I put everything in low (with the worst resolution), I gain maybe 5 fps with freeze.
I have a gtx970 with i5 and 8go and it should be enough to run the game well, like in this video :
or this one :

I restarded my game so many time in 800*600 and low and I deleted user_kingdome each time. I even tried on another hard drive, still 20 fps…

An i5 with 8GB isn’t a top of the line i7 with what looks like significantly more RAM (usage exceeds 8GB for most of the recorded video, and you need windows functions to be fluent too).

My i5 2400 (3.1GHz), 16GB DDR3 and GTX970 gives me a smoothish 22-32 (mostly 22-25) in very high detail at 1080p. As the limitation isn’t graphics performance, but rather AI and other unoptimised CPU functions, dropping detail has minimal effect at this time, so I keep the lighting and LOD settings to the very high setting.

I couldn’t say whether adding 8GB to bring the total to 16GB would help much, but it might reduce stutter a little. Best option though would be to wait for optimisations.

" in 800*600 and low "
Is that normal with gtx970 and i5 ? Other people get 35 fps in very high and 1080p with the same graphic card.

I see no more than a few additional fps moving to low details. I didn’t find the increase in performance to be significant, compared to the loss of IQ, so I opted to continue with the best visuals rather than the small increase in framerate (which isn’t all that noticeable with a Gsync monitor (no locked Vsync and no screen tearing)).

I wouldn’t imagine that dropping resolution would have that much more impact on performance than dropping all lighting and detail settings to low.

It is necessary to have sufficient RAM, and if you are seeing severe problems you may have some configuration issue that could stand to be poked at.

I’d also note that “An i5” isn’t very descriptive, and there are some differences between 970 chips and implementations too. I have an MSI board in a full sized system, and I gather than mobile versions of both CPU and GPU are marginally slower. Some i5 are dual core (with hyperthreading), rather than 4 core devices, which might make a difference too.

I run Star citizen in high at 40 fps, and other game like starcraft 2 at a lot of fps. On the other hand, I play Kingdome Come in a resolution that I didn’t see in a video game for more than 10 years and with low graphics, in 20fps with freeze.
I have an i5 3470