Give your constructive criticisms, your thoughts, what you would like to see added to the game, what you wished was different etc. (keep it cool and civil)

yeah your right now that I think about maybe KC2 lol

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rebuild skalitiz.

lordship of skalitz and rebuild it

The two of you have forgotten that KCD is focused on historical events. Skalitz was destroyed and never rebuilt. The in-game Codex (as well as history books) will tell you the same thing.

As for the poster of the second quote: Why would Sir Radzig give up his lordship?


Yes, youā€™re his bastard son, but Sir Radzig only has the one lordship. He would most likely heir it to you, but heā€™d have to die first for you to have it.


I would love to see the ability to buy a plot of land!
On this land you can buy a home, stable, workshop/blacksmith forge area, grow field of crops, and a combat area.
The home can have areas to hang weapons, armour, antlers/stuffed animals on the walls, a study to store books, and special things to store other items to keep things more neat then just having everything thrown in 1 box.

Stable obviously to store horses but not just one you can go to your stable to pick which horse that will be your companion on your adventure and return to your house to switch whenever.

Blacksmith area and field of crops just for convinces maybe even area for alcamy.

Then finally the combat area to train but also to host tournaments where knights will meet up on different days like for example someone new comes to challenge you to a duel and will stand there for 24hrs if you never meet up he will leave and someone new will show up. Every week a group will show up random amount from 2-5 opponents. The unique thing about this is some knights will play dirty by secretly bringing a friend, going into conversation saying they forfeit just to hit you multiple times when you exit the conversation or challenge you not to combat but a obsticale challenge similar to that archery mini game where you shoot the logs going down the river. A good example is the knight brings a wild dangerous boar (bigger then average boar) and lets it lose and you have 5 mins to chase it down and kill it while the knight is shooting arrows at you.

Could be so much content added by just being able to buy your own plot of land and because they tried to make this a realistic game you will obviously need to care for your house by paying taxes, watering your crops, feeding your horses, and paying for a maid to clean the house maybe even a guard to just so no one steal your stuff which could be a mechanic if you donā€™t have a guard bandits will raid your house taking a few items. Like I said many ideas can be said for this one simple idea it would be a great update or even a good DLC if you add a long lengthy quest in the mix like you work hard to save a king and your reward is ability to buy a plot of land and when you do the king will have workers to build a house for you for free.

Could even add itā€™s own section in the skills tab to level it up for perks to be able to make better things in your home or to attract stronger, richer knights to fight.


Given the matters of severe budget restraints, investor demands and mounting bills and salaries, I think they did what they had to do to make ends meet and theyā€™re gonna keep polishing till it gets better.

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Id much rather have this slightly flawed game now than wait another two years. Nothing is ever perfect, sometimes you gotta let it loose and fix it as you go


Thatā€™s the problem of modding historical realismā€¦cool stuff didnā€™t always happen

As for my own, ā€˜ā€˜What you would like to see added,ā€™ā€™ Iā€™d like to see a full English and French harness. Especially English with their rectangular besagews to protect the armpits. Given the Hundred Years War is raging at this time (1337AD - 1453AD) and Sir Divishā€™s armour has fluted besagews, Iā€™d like to at least see English style arms with rectangular besagews in the game.

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so you are his ā€¦ that was strong never inmaginate that one so is not unreal to be a knight

  • More random events
  • Your in a small village, bandits/cumans attack
  • Escaped prisoners
  • Rich merchants on highways with guards
  • More interesting random visitors to taverns
  • Some kind of holding based lawless system, for example:
    Uzhitz has a bandit or Cuman problem, quests can be given by Baliff/Traders/Inn keepers to remove bandits, if quest(s) are ignored then less money is paid by traders, they have less stock until raiders are removed. Other holdings have their own bandit/lawless level.
  • More armour and weapon variety, as well as some much needed mid-late game balance.
  • An assassin style quest line
  • Longterm injury and disease system: you have contracted Dysentery you gain ā€˜Xā€™ debuff until it passses or is cured. Fractured skull - bow aiming penalty. Broken arm - strength/speed debuff etc.
  • Injury system could be a good alternative to death, you gain X injuries and lose some of your gold and item(s); A revenge quest for whoever killed you?
  • Dangerous wild animals

turban4Brains, Really like the long term injury debuff

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I would like it if Henry (and everybody else) kept thier visor up when not in combat. kinda breaks imersion that you donā€™t show your face when talking to people, would not be too hard to do either.


I want combos to be more prominant. I canā€™t execute the longer ones in combat because the enemy is either dead or ripostes in five hits. I want fewer ganks and more chalenging duels with one really hard oponent! Like the wayfareing knight but even harder!


I agree with this, especially the injury part. It would be cool if the injury system was similar to the system in m&b viking conquest

I would like to see a more intelligent perk system. Mainly for the combat-focused trees. It seems counter-intuitive that we unlock perks that make the game easier as we are naturally getting better. To me, it undermines the joy of actually improving. Would love to see all the buff perks disappear in favor of perks that situationally reward actual skill. I already made a thread detailing some ideas so I wonā€™t repeat, but these perks could reward precision strikes or arrows with unique mechanics and animations or other rewards for intelligent tactics. Something a bit more imaginative than generic buffs that undermine the reward of actually improving at the game. Thatā€™s like my opinion, man.

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Would like to see the plot of land/ home/castle or something similar option in the future

One thing i would like to see changed that i havent seen mentioned is that the vendors items need to be broken down or organized into more categories. Especially the Armor, Tailor and weapons Dealer. Armor is the worst, They sell 9 - 12 different items and they are all lumped into one catergorie.


Only something minor and I havenā€™t checked to see if itā€™s been said already. But Iā€™d really like a different cursor on the map. Itā€™s so difficult to see that little white cross, sometimes I can spend about a minute looking for it.:sweat_smile:

What magical skills do the bathhouse girls have that I need to master before i can wash my clothes?

realnaste: Trade secret. Need DLC to unlock it

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Yes and the visor gets put down when you draw your sword (which is very cool!) but it seems to be down anyway from when Iā€™m speaking to peopleā€¦

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Same problem: close map and re-open