Good news for Xbox Players

You’re as lovely as an Ex-girlfriend keeping calling Just to tell you that she hates you. :kissing_heart:

you yourself said they were impeding on my rights.

“they” = Warhorse Studios

and you’re mad that we’re mad?

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it already has, coming here and finding that i’m not the only dissatisfied customer lifts my heart and makes it all a bit easier


gotchu fam


Why not just buy the disc so you can resell if not happy? going digital just to refund seems a bit lame.

what am i even reading here

I just came here to hopefully incite some maturity but it seems common sense isn’t so common. Also your issue isn’t with getting your money from warhorse, it’s with getting it from the distributor.

you… you came here, to incite maturity.

ok now i seent it all


Oh Come on really? You’re comparing warhorse to rapists and people Supporting the Game are victim-blaming?

Well im out, gotta go blame some other victims :roll_eyes:

your post is a little confusing, because i bought the game digitally with the intention of owning it and playing it, not to refund it. i’m only on this forum because i cannot refund it, a fact I was not aware of, because this is actually the first game i’ve ever tried refund on PSN

I didn’t come here to tell you that you should be happy with the game and that you’re wrong about saying it’s terrible.

But I use these forums to share advice and receive it. So seeing it littered with people who offer nothing to a sensible conversation to improve my gaming experience because they’re shouting about refunds in the complete wrong part of the internet is just simply irritating.

I apologise, i know alot of people have played through games and tried to get refunds.

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if I let a car go out and it died while the customer was on the way home i’d be in deep shit, so why are you trying to keep these dodgy developers out of the shit they poured for themselves? @ all white knights present

direct me to a place where i can get a refund, by all means, prophet.

otherwise just silence yourself because you offer no advice or solutions

Theres no regulation in the industry, right now they are trying to block investigations into micro transactions after all.

Calm down peoples. Try to get back to a more objective discussion.

Your first mistake was coming HERE for advice and solutions on a refund. Which is my original point is it not?

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no sir, that is not what i came here for. i already told you what i came here for. you said yourself that YOUR goal is to give and recieve advice, which you are not doing.

the attention spans with you little ones is remarkable, i swear

objectively please give me my money back for this dumpster fire,

thank you

I already informed you of your right to refund. It’s not my fault you don’t back yourself up when trying to get it.