Grade of violence display in the game

I am ok with you.
Realistict battle without blood and other isn’t serious !!!

I really don’t think there will be delimbing, for two main reasons:
I think it would be quite hard to make it look realistic and not comical.
Also the delimbing would have to extend to the player, what if your hand or a finger got removed but you manged to kill the enemy and get some sort of healing e.g searing the stump closed etc How would the game work with the protagonist missing parts of himself?
If delimbing happens in this game I think that one in a while you’d get a black knight situation (Monty python)

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It would only be a scratch!

The visual of maiming would be perfect for this type of game. Adding cauterizing with a hot dagger after a epic battle would be sweet.

Yeah it would be cool, but it might impair minigames/story and if you lost a hand there would be so many things you could use/do, so I doubt it’ll be added.
Hope there will be a mod for it though!

people don’t seem to understand that soldiers are wearing layers of clothing, even civilians are wearing clothes, why would guts spill out? why would dismemberment occur in battle? are you chopping up dead bodies? it’s very hard to dismember bone and flesh as it is with single cuts, how would it be easier in combat when you’re constantly moving and your enemy is constantly moving?

i think i can sympathize with lord crash here.

I don’t think that I need dismemberment in combat; would it be cool, hell ya, but is it necessary, not really. I would, though, like to see my slices and cuts show on my enemies. I would also like to see that decrease the NPC’s combat skill and/or stamina during the fight. I know if I got a sword to the shoulder, I wouldn’t be as brave as I was when entering the fight.

One more thing I would like to mention is that certain things weren’t shown probably because it wasn’t completed yet. The trailer showed what was probably something before pre-alpha; not all the systems that are going to be in this game are in-place yet. I’m sure a more enriching combat system will be implemented once the alpha is released in 6 months.

Not everyone is decked out in full plate or even mail.

What do you think a full axe swing would do to someone’s arm?

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Personalty I think the best option is customizability, some people like lots of over the top gore and blood, others like me prefer games with little to no blood, adding the ability to enable and disable it or modify how much is there allows for everyone to have the best possible experience.

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Actually more interesting then dismemberment would be how enemy dies. If you have erever played Oblivion you know how when you kill some one the model of body just kind of start to behave like it is in outer space.
So more then just some gore I would rahter like to see realistic dying.

Sorry, but in my optionion this has nothing to do for me with premature fantasys (i am 30+ yrs btw).
But every coin has two sides. So if the developer wants to aim for a relalistic medieval combat, things like showing the brutal and unadorned consequences of this have to be considered as well.

Yo know: Knights had armor. Peasants had at least a basic chain mail (if they were lucky) or some hardned leather plating. But most of them were basically armor- and thus pretty much defenceless. So if they hadn’t any combat skills (i beg to differ), they didn’t had any protection against and didn’t stood any chance against basically everything: swords, spears, axes, arrows…

sure, near where the limbs are thinnest. maybe a hand gets chopped off in one swing. i can see issues with it already, and so does war horse apparently since they’ve voicing concern over their ability to do dismemberment.

is it worth a severed hand or forearm to implement? not really imho since this game as sandbox as it is, probabaly isn’t supposed to be a gta clone, therefore could do without random civilian killing. that’s for games like gta where everything is so boring and unfun, you spend the time running and shoot civilians.

When i mentioned the peasants, than with the fact in mind that those poor bastards often have contributed the major quantitiy of fighters in medieval armies. Mostly by the thread of violence.

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Adding to that, once maille and plate are brought upon the table, dismemberment is next to or downright impossible.

You don’t CUT through maille, therefore you cannot CUT OFF something that is covered in maille. You might be able to crush the limb underneath and pulverise the bones, but that limb will still be dangling around.

You don’t CUT or even PIERCE through plate (With a few exceptions), therefore you cannot CUT OFF something that is covered in plate. You might be able to dent in the plate part so much that it breaks bones and pushes into the body of the wearer, crushing their intestines. But you will not dismember anything, or anyone.

Dismemberment is hard to achieve with armour that consists of thick padding, and impossible (for human beings) with metal armour involved.

Deal with it.


Not every man wearing a sword will always have armour on. So not every fight will be with an armoured. So we must expect weapon blows against simple men with no armour. So the expected grade of injury will be very high.

In my opinion it is relevant how people assimilate the violence. It’s a question of responsability of the devs to keep the balance.

One part of the players will start to gut ingame creatures and get accustomed to it in a highly questionable way. The other part of players will always feel antipathy against the violence they cause, but accept it as a result of the quest.

Now, it’s worth to give each violent act a certain consequence or at least a complication.
Some games let the player’s character get visually ugly; bounties will be, a reputation lost, sympathizer of the victim will engage if you …maybe dismember dead bodies.

I really don’t want to see dismemberment and disemboweling. Too often games act like that sort of thing is just a spatterfest for 12 year olds who just want to see blood, and the very few examples we have that treat it with respect are small scale games with at the most 20 people on the screen at once. Kingdom Come’s big focus is larges-scale battles. So having that sort of thing happen will reduce how many men you can have at once.

As ElricVonBrave stated, it is indeed nearly impossible to cut off a limb covered in padded armour. It is utterly impossible and ridiculous to dismember anything covered in plate armour.

What I want to see is people dying realisticaly in means of not only falling on the ground in a bit more natural way than in Skyrim, but also their reaction to an injury. In almost every game it works extremely simple, you are alive, or you are dead. What if you hit someone’s unarmoured arm with a mace? Does he continue to fly around like a paper kite, or does he react somehow appropriately? Someone goes desperate, someone tries to flee… If immersion is so important, I want to see a reaction from the characters.

Edit: I had a hard time expressing myself, what I wanted to say is, that people do not die instantly. Game characters shouldn’t too. They should get injured first and react appropriately.

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@Treysceusec you may be correct. I could only imagine how valiant these men were in battle. I would run as soon as I lost function of an arm, that’s just me though. :smile:

Even if you are right…
What about the player’s diclipline? Well, I fear: If the opponents are tooooooo realistic e.g. by falling into a state of shock by an arm hit or maybe by bleeding to death by a hit to the femoral artery it might be too easy to play.
Just imagine you are fearless in that virtual fight as you can drink your curative “Red Bottle”, but the game AI cuts the fight as you permanently play in god mode (from view of the AI).
But vice versa: If you - ingame - have to fear a ingame-forever broken arm, a shock, blindness or life-threatening blood loss… that would be needed to get implemented in the game, just to keep the balance.
But that should be over the top, in my opinion - it’s not manageable.
It would be like: one hit: dead (dead instantly or later by a shock).

Another way to manage this:
The controled main-character does not react to your keyboard and mouse commands anymore, but is crouching down with blurry view groveling before his opponent and shouting for help, as your main-character got a similar bad hit into the belly. And that caused panic, blur and crying.

I really don’t know what’s more complicated even if I actually like the basic idea.

I like this idea. If they’re going for a realistic approach, then why not have it as realistic as possible. Because we all know movies do not do it justice. Braveheart is the only movie that even remotely comes close, at least that I have seen. And for younger audiences, maybe have an option to turn of gore.