It’s official guys:
1080 Ti got screwed bigtime with shoddy driver.
This is Digital Foundry’s PC Framerate test using 1080 Ti at 1080p, Ultra with some settings lowered:
He pretty much confirmed every single issue reported here and the settings he suggests lowering are the usual suspects. Draw distance also loads the CPU and the higher it is, the more microstutter! He reports drops to even 30s in cities. The performance he was seeing at a measly 1080p on a 1080 Ti was painful to watch.
He praised the visuals and performance on PC when compared to the consoles (Which my goodness looks like absolute stinking last gen crap LOOOOL) but the performance is bad and needs some patching asap.
The amount of pop in you see in the video is exactly the same pop in I see so now I know for sure the problem is not on my end. He confirms it is still problematic on PC though not as gross as on the consoles which looks like it has the lowest draw distance ever like MORROWIND lol.
Tom’s Final words “Running at 1080p even on this 1080Ti, it’s difficult to hold 60 FPS at all, especially in cities where you get drops to 35 FPS”
Those of you on 980 and 980 Tis claiming rock solid 60 fps on Ultra settings everywhere in the game, just Wow, i am jealous