[Help] Adding a new item, rather than editing an existing ID

Hi there, so after running out of test item ID’s to modify into actual usable items, I decided to attempt to add my own item ID, and I was wondering if anyone had any success with doing so - mine has been… Limited to say the least.

(I’ll list the table edits at the end, hopefully someone will know what went wrong)

I attempted to add a new pair of black gloves under a unique ID, booted up the game all ready to add them to my inventory by console… Only to find that Henry was already wearing the gloves… And so was every single NPC.

After some testing I found that while the gloves did not appear in either my or the NPC’s inventory, they were automatically equipped as soon as any other armor piece was, and that they did not show up in the equipment slot… sort of like underwear.

Also curiously, the color tint changed somewhat arbitrarily depending on what other armor you had on, the gloves were brown with a brocade jacket on, but jet black with a black pourpoint.

I have a feeling that I’ve either missed an .xml file somewhere, the ID itself is used for some type of flagging, or I’ve just got some woefully incorrect value somewhere (something that references item_name?), the edits I made are as follows.


<Row><Cell>ui_nm_mdnt_g</Cell><Cell>Midnight Gloves</Cell><Cell>Midnight Gloves</Cell></Row>
<Row><Cell>ui_in_mdnt_g</Cell><Cell>Test item description.</Cell><Cell>Test item description.</Cell></Row>


<row armor_subtype_id="" armor_type_id="5" brightness="0.08" clothing2_id="" clothing_id="midnight-zzzz-test-clot-zzzzzzzzzzzz" color="8421504" color_hue="1" color_saturation="0.09" computer_name="DJANKES-DT" is_underwear="False" item_id="midnight-zzzz-test-item-zzzzzzzzzzzz" max_status="80" noise="0" slash_def="0.505" smash_def="0.202" stab_def="0.505" str_req="1" superfaction_id="" timestamp="14/09/2015 14:24" zone1_brightness="0.11" zone1_hue="0" zone1_saturation="1" zone2_brightness="1" zone2_hue="0" zone2_saturation="1" zone3_brightness="0.16" zone3_hue="0" zone3_saturation="0.21" />


<row armor_archetype_id="45" clothing_id="midnight-zzzz-test-clot-zzzzzzzzzzzz" clothing_name="mdnt_gloves" computer_name="PFILCIK-DT" gender_id="0" influence_type="0" intersection_translucency_max="" intersection_translucency_min="" lod_persistence="1" material="s1_p2_l3_v002" model="s1_p2_l3_v003c" morph_target="#V_001" race_id="0" timestamp="28/02/2018 17:20" />


<row charisma="20" conspicuousness="-0.92" item_id="midnight-zzzz-test-item-zzzzzzzzzzzz" rpg_buff_weight="0" social_class_id="1" visibility="-0.92" wealth_level="0" />


<row item_category_id="4" item_id="midnight-zzzz-test-item-zzzzzzzzzzzz" item_name="mdnt_gloves" />


<row entity_script="" item_id="midnight-zzzz-test-item-zzzzzzzzzzzz" material="" model="characters/humans/cloth/gloves_001" owner_fading_coef="0.02" price="9000" visibility_coef="1" weight="0.5" />


<row icon_id="603" item_id="midnight-zzzz-test-item-zzzzzzzzzzzz" ui_info="ui_in_mdnt_g" ui_name="ui_nm_mdnt_g" />

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I am not sure this is the cause but you might want to look at your ID’s. From what I have gathered the datatype for ID’s are UUID’s (like here in the clothing.xml table definition)

<table name="clothing" version="1">
<column name="armor_archetype_id" type="integer"/>
<column name="clothing_id" type="uuid"/>
<column name="clothing_name" type="character varying"/>
<column name="computer_name" type="character varying"/>
<column name="gender_id" type="integer"/>
<column name="influence_type" type="integer"/>
<column name="intersection_translucency_max" type="integer"/>
<column name="intersection_translucency_min" type="integer"/>
<column name="lod_persistence" type="real"/>
<column name="material" type="character varying"/>
<column name="model" type="character varying"/> 
<column name="morph_target" type="character varying"/>
<column name="race_id" type="integer"/>
<column name="timestamp" type="character varying"/>

UUID’s are generally “numbers”, whereas yours are composed entirely of letters, not sure if it matters, but it is possible.

It might be possible that the game cannot properly “read” your item ID and thus behaves strangely. Mind this is just a guess…

aside from that i cannot really tell, you might want to load all files into an editor and search for occurrances for an existing item of the same type and compare what values are where, make sure you didnt forget anything.

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Thank you so much, aTaco!

Changing the ID’s to UUID V4’s generated on https://www.uuidgenerator.net/version4 made the items function perfectly, no need to change any more .xmls.

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