Solved, dumb mistake

So i’m trying to make a new sword, identical to radzigs sword in all ways except for its name…
and from what i can tell, meager as my knowledge is, i can’t see what I’ve done wrong

i’ve tried everything suggested in this post (theres more after the link)

and the game seems to recognize that my item exists, when i use cheat (the mod) to console it in
however no item is added to my inventory, and to make things worse, all the words are gone

forgot to mention i’m trying to add the item to the blood and steel mod from the nexus

yikes i almost forgot to mention

i’ve also read that tbl files could interfere with what i’m trying to do, so i installed modsmith (also from the nexus), but i can’t for the life of me figure out how to use it.

i’ve installed the mod, added the correct root file, and when i run the exe file it opens cmd for a split second and closes

if anyone was wondering, i put the new names under the table in the localization english xml text ui xml