Homosexuality In The Game/Time Period

You guys could always put up a disclaimer in the opening of the game, stating that you are trying to realistically depict the time period. Views of in-game characters do not represent the views of the developers. etc, etc.

I don’t think anyone would accuse the development team of homophobia. Recreating the past means that we, as an audience, have to take the good with the bad if it is to be an accurate depiction.

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So I suppose you’re saying there were no gay priest, bishops, kings, pagans, or random town folk. You honestly believe this was something that happened in a sudden BOOM in modern time.[quote=“Ser_Awesome, post:119, topic:7405”]
OP Proceeds to say that it’s all natural any anyone who says different is gay bashing.

So where have I stated this? I can think of no instance. I have no problem with people saying anything different. I won’t even call your insulting comments gay bashing, simply narrow minded, full of ignorance and a little bit of hate on top. Though since so many here are speaking like experts, than as an expert I’m certain you wouldn’t mind citing the documents of research where you found your information about how homosexuals were treated in this time period or how they didn’t exist, or even a document claiming homosexuality is a fetish (unless you want to call a man having sex with a women being a “women” fetish) So if just please be kind and respectful enough to add to the conversation in a respectful way. Bring up documentation related to the time period and geographical location. As we “homosexually fetished” people would love the game to be historically accurate. As we believe this would add to the game.

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I can’t stand people like you who call others hate-filled when you’re the only one going on a tirade of hate.

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So where have I stated this?

In your third sentence. Embarrassing isn’t it to so quickly prove my point:

I won’t even call your insulting comments gay bashing, simply narrow minded, full of ignorance and a little bit of hate on top.

So I’m all those things despite being bisexual myself? Sorry but I had no reason to continue reading your hate-filled nonsense beyond this. Don’t ruin the game by attempting to forcefully inject modern issues into an age that had little if no such thing.

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I feel like this thread was started for the wrong reasons.
It has strayed from the game and now it is an argument of personal opinions.

you comments quickly contradict you [quote=“Ser_Awesome, post:119, topic:7405”]
We don’t need this to turn into Bioware where every fetish under the sun is catered

To BigDaddy

This thread was started for good reasons and for a while we had good conversation. It’s unfortunate people like “Ser Awesome” have devolved it into arguments on personal opinions.

The Start is simple. The questions are simple.

This brought up as a question because we know they existed, if they didn’t they couldn’t have been executed.

I don’t know much about the history of the geography. So I would like to know how it was seen in this part of the world in this time period, many people have posted some interesting points on this matter.

So more than anything I’m looking for an educated history lesson about homosexuality within this time period within this area. This can be quite relevant and interesting to apply within the game. Though when people will be “narrow minded” ( like Mr. Awesome) then you’ll quickly hear “they’d be executed SO DON’T ADD THEM!” even if they were to be executed if that’s politically accurate then have it in there. Whatever the truth is that is what I want to see. If the truth is there are no homosexuals in the time period then I’m fine with them not being there I could care less about politics of it. I’m only interested in this game being super awesome and this could help make it super awesome in my opinion. When properly discussed we can learn a lot.

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Wow. It’s a game about medieval times where you run around with a sword and kill people… yet somehow we’re trying to push the gay agenda… my answer, who cares? And homosexuality has NOT been around in all species. True there are other animals that will have sex with the same gender… but not exclusively. They’ll pretty much have sex with anything, including your favorite stuffed animal. So why the concern with trying to push this into games? Just stick to the game and keep your political agenda out of it.


[quote=“213, post:121, topic:7405”]you’re not a time traveler. when it comes to gays, you’ll only really have two choices, mind your own business, or get them in trouble.

the first might get you thanks from the gay, but it won’t help your reputation, since no one knows other than you, and also because reputation simulates other people’s view of you. why would they like you more if you “helped” the gay?

the second option actually leads to better reputation, since you helped the church catch a sinner.
[/quote]As crazy and sad as this is, yes, this is very true.

However @Gunfreak brought up a good point about higher-estate homosexuals. Well, sinners generally. It wasn’t unsual for a noble or rich man to receive a pardon of to be found innocent when commiting a serious crime.


People have been accused of many things countless of times. No matter the true nature of their creation, their motives, the reality of things, their personal opinions, their claims, their disclosures, their own official commentary…

But yes, we can.


I don’t believe you’re bisexual at all by the things that you wrote, please surrender your LGBT card immediately lol.

Gay agenda? All I’m asking is to interact with NPC. O_o

The animals finally made it here, stuffed or not…

I agree.

What i meant earlier is that I feel this is just an unwarranted thread to push the gay angenda, not to further the cause of the game. Made with the full intention to argue with others in areas that doesnt involve the game. The Intentions were stated, but the actions show otherwise.

This is the kind of stuff that shouldnt be in this thread if you truly wanted this to be a properly discussed thread.

I have no problem with who puts what in where. For the information that stuck to what this thread was about, i found it quite interesting. Is it worth the time and effort to put it into the game? im not sure, its not up to me to decide.

I think that if any sort of depiction of homosexuality or bisexuality was to be implemented in the game based upon PC/NPC or NPC/NPC interactions, it should be revealed in a logical manner for that time period, ie. it would have to be clandestine, subject to persecution, and expose the hypocrisy and cruelty of the persecutors.

As to a game player’s connection to the game or the characters, one must realize that especially in a cRPG, what helps make a game experience memorable is the interaction between the player and well-written and believable characters. I would imagine if there is romance in a game, that a homosexual player would want to be able to connect with a character that could reciprocate. I also think that having a relationship that is forbidden would make the experience even more compelling, memorable, and potentially tragic. I also think that if heterosexual players were ever to explore such a homosexual romance arc in their own gameplay, it might serve to foster acceptance rather than tolerance of their fellow human beings outside of the game by changing attitudes and generating empathy.

Still, I’m not sure if this is the game to raise awareness or be preachy, but if there is going to be romance, then it should be believable and cater to not only heterosexual but homosexual players as well.


And why do you feel the need to interact with an npc? That’s just ridiculous. If you’re confident in your sexuality then you don’t need a video game to help you feel better about being whatever you are. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. The game should not even include a relationship. It doesn’t need it.

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I didn’t say a relationship.Don’t put words into my mouth!

Btw it is a game, especially an RPG. You do interact with NPCs…

If they are aiming for a realistic approach of medieval europe they shouldnt concentrate on political correctness of the standard of the west. If homosexuality is indeed part of the game they should show how they was also treated in medieval Europe. Not hiding it away because they are afraid of angry liberals and they political correctness because homosexuals get burnt at the stake or tortured.

From what I have seen in documentaries and read in books, homosexuality wasnt that common in the medieval ages. Do not misunderstand me, it was probably the same amount as it is today but most of them did not share this with anoyne and kept it locked down. Homosexuals gettig killed for their sexual orientation was not common, because it was for the most part kept in the dark, do you honestly believe a man could “go out of the closet” in those days, nah I dont. In my opinion, keep the homosexuality out of the game, not because I am against it but because it simply wasnt a huge part of society as it is today.


You can not honestly say that you were not implying ( relationship).

No it’s not the same thing. Relationship needs to be maintained. Like those in Bioware RPGs, there’s points meters and such.

My character humped both genders in Fable and Skyrim. Got STDs all the time in Fable lol. I just want the option to be there, no fuss needed to be created…

My original response then applies to your response. It’s insecurity if you need to have a “fling” in a video game. It is totally unnecessary.

I doubt you’re a psychiatrist, though even if you were this is not the place to debase a person’s opinion, it’s easy enough to simply just disagree.