How do you beat Runt

Exactly the bit I get wrecked on… I’ll come back to it soon :joy:

They seriously need to turn the difficulty in this fight down a bit only way to defeat him is with a bow which is not how they intended it to be


I gave him one hit on the head and he was down hahahahahah
I was lmao at this moment :joy:


What map do you need for that armor?

Even if you don’t have the DLC there are other treasures out there which have nice stuff.
You can buy treasure maps sometimes ingame and the treasure is always more worth than the money you spend for the map. And if you are lucky you just stumble over a treasure.

Set fire to the hay outside the little encampment - the smoke screen provides cover from the archers

doesnt work… He blocks that

Two questions.

  1. How good are your combat stats?
  2. Have you enough strength and agility for your equiped weapon?
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Unscrew your pommel to end him rightly…


I don’t know if I was just overskilled for the fight or what but it was pretty easy. I had a bit under half hp when I began the encounter and he probably hit me once during the fight. Perfect blocking his strikes and using combo strikes worked pretty well. Also, he didn’t block almost any of the faint strikes. Used longsword(bastard sword) with two hands.

10 sword skill
10 strenght
8 agility

Cant remember the rest of the stats.


Honestly I’m not sure if I do something wrong but I don’t had any problem with him. 11 str, 9 agi and Vit. 8 fighting and 7 swords lvl… Just counter every strike and use combo aimed for head and gg. It’s not hard. More likely I think you just lack experience or equip.

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Yeah, nearly at same situation. We can just send ragards to ppl who rush only story or really lack in term of fighting.

Yeah, I had a lot of trouble on this part. I just ended up using the bow trick. Thanks for the tips. They are updating rn and it’s a pretty big one. Hopefully they are fixing him and they other problems

What did you guys do to get train your stats up? Just go around fighting or doing side quest?

A single arrow to the face lol

Also add some hours in arena :slight_smile:

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I used my trusty axe on him. Beat him the first try. You must be a viking! Viking is the only way!
Make sure you train with the captains at rattay and talmberg. That helped me rank up my combat skills. As far as archery… Havent found a way to increase rank on that other than hunting.

No offense to anybody but if Runt is hard for you, you have most likely very bad gear and your character is just not skilled enough yet. I literally two-hitted him on the first try (depending on your definition you could even say one-hitted). Before going into the battle I spent 2-3 rl hours in the arena with Bernard training two handed sword because I wanted to be good at the combat system, I aquired a very good sword (sword of herodes) and a good (but not “op”) Armor and that is all you really need. When I went into the fight I had very good stats because of all the arena training ( strength 14 or 15, combat 15, defense 16 and sword 16) and after one perfect block/counter attack and one slash to the face he lied on the ground, which was very funny considering that after reading this thread before I was worried not to be able to beat him ^^. So when you have a properly skilled and equipped character Runt is no challenge at all and If I was able to beat him that easily, everyone is. :wink:


What do you mean? Normally when I go to the arena there isn’t anyone there. I’ve trained as much as I can atm with captain Banard. How do I use the arenas?

Go to rattay arena and captain bernard is right there. Talk to him.