I didn’t find it aswell at first, but after you investigate the Neuhof raid and Bernard returns to Rattay you can find him during daytime at the arena were you trained first and there you can train with him as long as you want.
Yeah I know, but he said I need to have some more skill first or somthing like that. And don’t you need like money to train? It’s expensive too right?
No, training with wood weapons is free. Its one of the options.
Only one is expensive. The rest are free.
Oml I feel fucking stupid, thank you a million dood
And I spent all that money already too fuck. So training with a wooden sword will increase my stats? Do do I needa use a real sword
Yes wood increases stats.
training with real swords level up you faster, alot faster but also destroy your gear and repairing a gear cost pretty much at start
Well, honestly he is pretty easy if you equip yourself sufficiently and train enough. I had about 10 strength 8 agility and used a mace. took about three hits to defeat him and I actually felt him way to easy. Didn’t feelsatifying beating him fast. I had to reload and extended the fight a bit artificially and used him to train a bit until i felt satisfied with the fight.
I recommend you train more in the fighting arts get yourself a mace and decent armor and yiou should be able to beat him.
On my game i beat him using the bow method the first time, didn’t like that so went back worked at it for a while and then found he couldn’t guard against most stab attacks downed the blighter so quick it was rather comical. might work for other folks too…
Block/Riposte, run towards him, Grab and hit, Stab/Hit in head, Rinse repeat.
Combination: Q -> F (press it like crazy) -> SHIFT + W to run to him -> Stab/Hit on head.
This works for every single NPC in the entire game btw.
Have fun!
I shot him in the head with a longbow and killed him in one hit, no helmet would do that. He kicked my butt with melee weapons and I had level 12 sword fighting.
Granted I was using a long sword, i near a mace will bash him easily.
I love how people scream ‘‘NEEDS NERF’’ where there are multiple ways to beat him. poison/potions or just counter attack all his attacks… please stop crying nerf when skill is required…
It’s because people are lazy now. They have no ingunuity to try different methods if something doesn’t work. I actually felt like I cheated when I backed up and shot him in the face.
That’s funny because there are a lot of people, including myself, who want the opposite of that. Runt was an easy fight. Too easy.
You press block when the game tells you to then you strike.
I used lasarus potion and achilles potion, and infused my blade with poison. Keep your distance and stab when he runs at you
It killed me 3 times until I understand what I did rong. I did not use any poison or arrows. I play it with controller I saw everything when I try to hit him in the middle that my arrow in the left was blinking so I stap him and intmidle slash to right and in did this 10 times. And killed him so after this I did go back to the captain to learn some more about combat and I found out that he will learn you the master defending so every time you defend on time it will do a automatic hit.
I finally got to fight Runt yesterday. I immediately noticed he was wearing no helmet. Needless to say that is a massive weakness. A couple of hits to his head and it was over. If you know how to riposte he can be beaten very easily.
Started the game again, this time trained my guy up loads. And I must agree now, with training, Runt is actually really easy, learning how to riposte helps a lot too!