How does clinching work?

Has anyone figured out how clinching/grappling works? If i get close to the enemy ill always get pushed or shoved away and never seem to win these engagements. Is there a button for it or is it random ?

I have been wondering this too, I just mash buttons when I get grappled up and have no idea what to do.

If you have heavy armor, big str, you have bigger chance to win a clinch. There is also perk. But it seems that biggest impact on clinching result is who rushing who. Like when you charge him, you have lesser chance to win it. When he get too close, you on other side have bigger chance to win it.

If you play with keyboard and mouse, press Q when you are clinched and you should try to hit or kick the other guy. I guess who wins and kick the other must depend on relative strength and some other factors.

I’ve got it for ps4. The problem I have is i try to do it when i spar with Captain Bernard and he does it a lot. Sometimes it will before i attack and sometimes it’ll just be when I walk up to him. I tried hitting the kick button during a clinch but nothing happens

The training with captain Bernard is a combat tutorial, and most combat moves are disabled except the one he is specifically asking you to do.

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Thanks for that note for Q. I forget to write it before :slight_smile:

I understand that lol. I’m to the point where I’m past the tutorial and just do regular sparring with him with different weapons. That’s where I’m having I’m having the problem figuring out the clinch

Is Q the kick button for you guys? Not sure what it translates to on ps4

It’s button for block or counter strike when you succeed at parrying at right time

yeah i don’t get this either, when i am unarmed fighting someone they always clinch me and knee me in the face, i usually just jab the shit out of them

In unarmed fight it work great when your enemy can’t dodge backward (like when they have wall at their back or something)

So does anyone know how to initiate a clinch or has anyone ever done it? I saw the post above about who runs into who. But I wanted some more clarification.

You can initiate clinch when you get too close to your enemy or he get too close to you :slight_smile:

Edit. Its automatic so no need for clicking on anything. Also enemies will try to keep their distance so it’s hard to get them to clinch you sometime

I appreciate your replies. So what button would you press to initiate a clinch? I know for me the kick button doest work when I have a weapon drawn. I know you can press to counter clinches…but how do you start your own? Or do you just get close and hope you get lucky lol

Lol sorry. Already edit that post :smiley: I don’t find a way how you can manually trigger clinch. Seems like it work only when you get too close. When they start clinch. Just spam Q or your parry button. When you initiate it. Spam attack buttons. But how I said. It’s hard to get them to clinch you

Ahh gotcha! So from what I’m understanding it is automatic but based on stats and stuff like mentioned above.

Most likely in my opinion. Also don’t forget there is specific perk in str ( can’t remember right now) tree that make your chance 1/3 better. Still I’m not sure. It’s just what I observe and tried. I could be completely wrong

Yeah it is unclear lol. Hopefully someone chimes in with more experience than us :stuck_out_tongue: but in the mean time we shall keep experimenting!

So summary.
Chance is base and decided at stats/equip/perk.
Depend alot on who start clinch. If you have place behind you or there is no wall or something ( most unarmed fight I beat in that way, I force enemy next to some obstacle, get to him close and try to initiate clinch that successfully hit him most time).
When defending against clinch. Smash parry button. When initiating, smash attack button.

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