I just finished the DLC. Should i stop playing?

Hello !

As i said in the title, i just finished the DLC from the Ashes, as well as i finished the main quests and most of the side quests (i even harvesting herbs for Nicodème in Sasau, yay).

I don’t know what to do, the only quests left are hunting animals quests and robbing jewlery from Talmberg. I have no more goal, so i’m asking: What are you doing in KCD after the end of the quests ?

(I apologize for my lexicals and grammaticals mistakes)

Have you fully explored the map?
I finished the MQ months ago, have yet to start FtA, but am just enjoying the heck out of exploration.
Lots of interesting sites, treasure troves, unknown bandit camps.

In hundreds of hours, interesting sites and accidents haven’t done anything for me. Granted I have the attention span of a gnat. What am I missing out on?

This second playline… haven’t touched maps.

I have 117 hours on the game, my map is almost fully revealed as well as the bandit camps :((

I harvest bandits and Cuman battle spawn points. When guards or traders are one of the alternate battling factions, I try to help them win the day. It’s a real challenge with the lightly armored traders. And, I find that I have to be careful with the guards, as friendly fire isn’t forgiven

I just hunt, game and bandits, go around to the taverns to drink and play dice. Before DLC I just lived out of my Huntsman cottage in Talmberg, hunted and sold to local shops/the cook in the castle and then would make my way to Rattay where I would hunt some more, sell what I could to Peshek and then cook and sell that to merchants in Rattay…rinse and repeat along with partaking in all random encounters I can.

It’s relatively bland but I try to just live there, treat it like a sandbox. Go to bed at night, hunt/sell during the day, when I hit the tavern I grab something to eat and some drinks, maybe roll some dice…whatever. It could be better but it’s fun for a while.

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…… find all the unmarked graves with loot in them…all the interesting site/accidents…find all the shrines and conciliations markers for an achievement award.

Measuring map. Replaying on hardcore mode.

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Hardcore is fun, it’s not like “oh my god it’s so hard I hate myself” but it’s a lot of fun. Nothing on your screen for health or whatever blocking the view (unless you have a status effect), learning to actually self navigate the world over time due to the no map markers to just follow. It’s fun, and until you get far enough in to have a surplus of Schnapps the lack of auto save can make it interesting.

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You may have fully revealed the map, but not everything (a mere fraction, in my mind) is shown on it.

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I found a bed with some grass/brush on it…I can’t recall for sure if it actually ended up showing up on my map. It was probably a “camp” but it was literally just a bed on the side of the road…I slept, caught a save and kept on. There’s all kinds of random stuff all over…plus, especially on hardcore, since you have to go on foot because horseback is so fast you miss a lot of stuff, you have a high chance of getting attacked and in hardcore even sh*t peasants can give you a run for your money if they have you outnumbered.

actually, i don’t like that much hard difficulty, it would make me rage quit i think :((

But i found 2 secondary quests that i forgot to do ( finding a horse and to finding couman’s helmets, yay)

start a new game?

im a bad person, i kill them all because the traders normally have really nice loot.lol

redo the same story will bore me :((

then yes move on. seems you just want to experience just the minimum the game offers, and not have the attention span for the games nuances and possible variations on a theme…
This as mentioned before a lot a niche game and not really for the casual player.

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Later DLCs will offer additional story and quest options. Maybe set it aside until those release, then come back?

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in playline 1, i was a bit of a murderous bastard. early on, it was observed that my weaponry would upon occasion disrupt their vital essences

in playline 2, i’m just a thieving bastard. i defend them to death :man_facepalming:…no i didnt mean that :wink: . i mean that i draw attention away from them and towards me. if they all perish, i re-purpose their goods in hopes that some day WH will enable ‘equip NPC’ functionality and I will be able to equip the citizens and guards of Pribyslavitz in the best gear known in medieval Bohemia

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I think that’s exactly what i’ll do, yes, i really wanna know what is the end of the story, AND HAVE MY SWORD BACK FFS


I want to experience new things, new quests, etc. Saying that the game is not for casuals just because i don’t want to redo the storyline i just did in ultra hardcore mode DOES NOTjustify the fact that “the game is not for casual”.

Once the quests ended, if the only things to do is the repetitiveness of boring quests like hunting dears or rob a chest, then the game have nothing concrete to offer. (i know that this sentence is very bad written, i apologise for that and i hope you understand me well).

The best thing would me an “unlimited” reconstruction of Prybislavice; i’d love to put stones on the roads, to have more buildings, to paint the church (which is very ugly), to raise maybe an little army for Hanush and to help the lords with my men.