I think I'm leaving this forum

There is such a thing as zealot logic you know. It’s on display right here in this thread. Here’s an illustration of how Zealot logic can create condescending attitudes towards players like @GJSterpka. Basically what sort of community support players with issues can expect to receive for posting their frustration with this game in future:

A Darwinian biologist was studying a frog. He wondered how high the frog was capable of jumping. He put the frog on a table and said: jump frog jump.

The frog jumped.

Impressed, the biologist recorded this observation. He promptly cut off one off the frog’s hind legs and then said: Jump frog jump.

The obviously distressed frog still jumped.

Extremely impressed, the biologist recorded this observation. He cut off the remaining frog’s hind leg then said: Jump frog jump.

The frog didn’t jump.

Pleased his experimental observations had proved his hypothesis, the biologist happily recorded the following conclusion:

“When you cut off both of a frog’s legs, the frog becomes deaf.”


Your response has become the quintessential fanboy suspension of reality.
You’re so emotionally attached to the game (or determined for it to succeed at any cost), that you’re (unconsciously? or deliberately?) being blind to other’s players discontent with its flaws. You blindly defend the dev instead of engaging them on tw@tter (which seems to be Varva’s fav hide out safe house since launch). :roll_eyes:

And instead of being receptive to non fanboy criticism and willing to discuss improvements, you immediately get defensive. Hunker down and circle your wagons. Hide on the KCD forum and pontificate at how wonderful KCD is. How you were able to complete the game for the Nth time with/without any game breaking bugs. Insult other players on here with condescending, snarky replies. Telling them it’s either their lack of gaming skill/aptitude to play this game. Or even worse, blame their gaming system?? Like HTH can you blame a CONSOLE system for being too old given the nature of a Console (vs PC) is by default of its technology? And you do all of these derisive put downs–despite the fact you have players like the @GJSterpka TELLING you they’ve been unable to play their flipping game!

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Me getting defensive? That’s a laugh. I was merely trying to help someone who has obviously been beating there head against there console to no avail. It doesn’t take much to set you off dose it holty?


No. Only where you (and a specific minority of other narcissistic forum fan boy members) are concerned.


Your a troll too Dante. Your just a little more clever than the holty troll.


You sir are the minority. Every other person on here seems to rage and complain.
I hope the bugs and such will be ironed out eventually.

GJ have you tried the work around for the stuttering playing on a different line. It has worked for several people. Not ideal as you need to start a new game I know but if you genuinely are desperate to get stuck into the game.



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rataj - that smiley has more animation than an atari 2600 cartridge (which had a 4kilobyte size limit).

Whilst I swear river raid and skate or die and double dragon were all games that HAD to be bigger than 4KB- I have a feeling that lil animated smiley would shame them all…


I moan a lot but rightly, when you lose + - 30h game because there are so many bugs, I think there is something to complain about, we can not shut up!
We pay a game & we are entitled to have a game that works properly & not bug every 10 minutes (so to speak).
If people would not moan, the bugs would still be there !!
now there is the way to say the thing too, I do not insult the devellopeurs or the studio!
I have 140 hours of play, if I would not like, I would not have as many hours of play, but despite this huge time of play, I still have not finished because I preferred to wait until the patches fix all those bugs that made the game unplayable …
Here I will start again to see what it gives, but it will be the last chance I give him, if there are still so many bugs that prevent me to advance in the game, it will be permanently removed from my pc & I would to another game, but I hope I should not get there because this game has huge potential, it changes other RPGs, but please stop comparing it to Skyrim because this game has nothing in common with Skyrim, there is no magic here ^^
PS: sorry for my language but I do not speak English, thank you google translation ^^

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I actually felt the same way and said a while back how I’m quitting this forum but I still come back to browse.
Reading what you just wrote knocked some sense into me.
It’s a waste of time this forum. At first I was sort of excited, thinking this would be a great place to exchange ideas about how to best go about solving each quest and helpful info in general.
Big disappointment, but, I think I’ve invested way too much of my private time in this game, great as it is, already.
I’m with you. Goodbye!

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Lol it’s the Internet, grow a thick skin and move on. The sooner one learns how to do this the better, you will find your way navigating forums easier and mor pleasant. There are some great people here on this forum and I have had many great conversations and also have read some very good comments and opinions.

Like in most forums anyone coming in and giving a critique of the game will have some users auto interpret it as hate speech and attack. Just move on and don’t engage it further. If you spend enough time here (or other gaming forums) you learn who to avoid and who to engadge with…pretty simple.


I wasn’t able to keep myself away for to long.
I broke my promise once again!
You are absolutely right. Furthermore, my complaining about the complainers makes me no better than them i guess.


Just saw your comment defending me and others like me. Thanks.
I hadn’t played KCD since that post in April.
I visited the forum on June 5th and saw there was a new patch.
Downloaded June 6th, played for a few hours on XBox Player 1 and Player 2.
Player 2 Henry is still in Skalitz. Player 1 has about 25 hours of play time, which is where I was having the screen jitter problem.
No jitter present since 1.5 patch.
I’m thrilled!
As long as the jitter does not return, I can see no reason/bug that would prevent me from continuing with the game.

This was in April:
I started a new game on Player 2 of XBox One, and had no jitter, but Henry was still in Skalitz.
I went back to Player 2 to see if jitter may have been remedied, but no luck, so I stopped playing, period.
Then I came back to the Forum and found a new patch 1.5 was available.
Downloaded and played for several hours on both Players.
The jitter is gone on Player 2!!!
I’m elated!
Thanks for your comment.