I want to finish the game, but I don't understand it

KCD isn’t first you will have to take walkthrough for. I played one for instance where I contacted developer because guides were not helpful and to figured out it was bug causing my issue. Here it’s not bug but it is programmed in a way it doesn’t repeat NPC dialogues, like “I told you to talk to Melichar.” or “Do you have a cure, no, go find a cure in this place.” it doesn’t have these repeating dialogues to push player further when he’s stuck in this quest. For example, quest with father at start, he tells you, “bring me these things, then we continue.” here is tricky with trust, cure and going to right NPC’s, however if you kept playing, you would find it for yourself.

Well, I played games in previous century (how quickly the time flows!). It was quite normal that you got stuck at several points in the game. Also internet was not that widely available (Czech republic was communist till 1989, with all typical economical problems you can imagine) so you often had to search in old gaming magazines for help, or spend hours walking through known areas in the game and search for anything helpful.

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I had the bug in this quest where it wouldnt let me speak to the captive.

I can’t remember what I did about it - if anything. I don’t play KCD anymore due to stuff like this and awful dlcs.

The only bad DLC to come out so far was from the ashes

You can’t talk to him, true. But he’s dying and won’t tell you nothing until you help him or let him die.

It seems to me after reading all your comments that KCD isn’t the type of game you should be playing as you don’t seem to enjoy the format.

I agree that it’s a bit odd that all of a sudden its forcing you to do a side quest to complete that step in the main quest, however as others have stated. It shouldn’t really matter what the quests are marked as in the log.

KCD is more like a medieval life simulation where you, as Henry wander the land, speak to it’s people, learn about all there is to be learnt and enjoy the ride.
I have 2 full playthroughs at 100% and I am a little way into my third because I love being in the world that warhorse had created. That is imo who the game is aimed at. It’s far too in-depth for a casual gamer who just wants to go from A to Z fit the main storyline. But that’s just my opinion.

The quest in question that your post is mainly about is a tricky one and can be slightly annoying if you’ve not overturned every stone to find out as much as you possibly can in order to complete it. That being said though, there are numerous ways of completing it in order to reach your goal. But unless you want everyone, including the captive to die, you will need to go and find the cure which will mean you have to do the ‘side’ quest.

I will say this as a warning though. From that point on, it only gets worse and more in-depth in order for you to get to the end and you still have quite a way to go to get there.

As it’s annoying you so much anyway, a guide or walkthrough might be your only option to complete the story without it annoying you even more because there is a huge section coming up where you have to do loads more than is originally mentioned in the games text and needs a lot of detective work.

Hope I’m not coming across as sounding harsh with my post here. Just some games aren’t for everyone no matter how much they try and force themselves to enjoy them which is fine. Just move on and don’t let it get to you so much :slight_smile:


This is not a follow directions as they’re written type of game. Guard won’t let you speak to the captive? Dead guard. Door locked? Pick it. Captive too sick to speak? Dead captive. Thanks for the note, corpse.

That’s just one way you can solve this quest. There are others.


Those were the days weren’t they!

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You can proceed in main quest without doing the side quest Pestilence. Get past the watchman and pickpocket or kill and loot that bandit. Voilá you get a letter, now go to Radzig.

If you follow the advice given by Shock be sure to visit a church and pay the indulgence for your “crimes” to restore your tarnished rep. LOL

you have to go to the sasau monastery and perform the secondary quest “At the mercy of god” it allows you to meet the two characters you need for the main quest.
Be careful, the quest can be quite long depending on the level and hattributs that Henry has, moreover it is clocked, so if Henri is not evolved enough, if you take too much time to finish it will complicate the rest of the game.
So here load the game before going to merhojed and do the secondary quest at sasau. But do not go to Merhojed until you’ve finished the quest. If that still does not work try to load the backup “A nest of vipers” and make the sasau quest before going to see Radzig to report to him on the enemy camps. Now if you have not made a secondary quest, you will end up being blocked and you will not be able to move forward because they are tied at one time or another.

To do the quest for merhojed you have to do the quest at Sasau, but for that you need a minimum of knowledge as a herbalist and alchemy.
You must also be able to read so you have a quest for that. but normally, if you play a game of this style, you raise the states of your character and it forces you to do the side quests otherwise you will at some point get stuck.
Know that there are often more ways to solve a quest

the secondary quests are for me more important than the main quest because it is this one that allows you to really discover the world of WH but also to evolve your characters to the best.
The main quest is only to give a central line to the game.
Other thing, be careful if you play with mods, because it can cause small bug if there is conflict between mods or if they are not planned for the correct version. I had the problem;).
Sorry for English, but I go through Google translation

tu dois aller au monastère de sasau et effectuer la quète secondaire “A la merci de dieu” celle-ci te permet de rencontrer les deux personnages dont tu as besoin pour la quete principal.
Attention, la quete peux etre assez longue celon le niveau et les hattributs que Henry a, de plus elle est chronometrée, donc si Henri n’est pas assez évolué, si vous prenez trop de temps pour la finir cela compliquera la suite du jeux.
Donc ici charge la partie avant d’aller a merhojed et fais la quete secondaire a sasau. Mais ne passe surtout pas a Merhojed tant que tu n’as pas fini la quete secondaire. Si cela ne marche toujours pas essaie de charger la sauvegarde “Un nid de vipères” et fais la quete de sasau avant d’aller voir Radzig pour lui faire ton compte rendu sur le camps ennemis. Maintenant si tu n’as pas fais une seul quete secondaire, tu finiras par etre bloqué et tu ne pourras pas avancer car elles sont lié a un moment ou un autre.

Pour faire la quete de merhojed tu dois faire la quete a sasau, mais pour cela il te faut un minimum de connaissance comme herboriste et alchimie.
Tu dois etre aussi capable de lire donc tu as une quete pour cela. mais normalement, si tu joues a un jeux de ce style, tu monte les states de ton perso et cela t’oblige a faire les quetes secondaires sans quoi tu finiras a un moment par etre bloqué.
Sache qu’il y a souvent plusieur facon de resoudre une quetes

les quetes secondaires sont pour moi plus importantes que la quete principale car ce sont celle-ci qui vous permetes de decouvrire reelement le monde de WH mais également de faire evoluer votre personnages aux mieux.
La quete principal n’est la que pour donné un file conducteur central au jeux.
Autres chose, attention si tu joues avec des mods, car cela peux provoquer des petits bug si il y a conflit entre les mods ou si ceux-ci ne sont pas prevu pour la bonne version. j’ai eu le probleme :wink: .