I'm ready to pay another $ 200 for returning the graphics and the forest from the beta version

With the realism of the forest, vegetation in the KCD no game can be compared. (beta version) In RDR2 will be beautiful graphics due to the level design and surround lighting.

Ceteris paribus. Go live version versus go live version. Time will tell

the forest now with global illumination looks way better than the beta forest with its fake lighting.

Only the blind would argue that in the beta version of the forest is worse than the release. In the beta version, the models of trees and vegetation look much better and more natural.

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I want better looking shop guards. Some of these guys look like crack heads who could not cut it as a knight so they ended up guarding a chair with their arse. I would like to see either a deformed 6’8” mute thats chained by the neck to the loot chest and carries an axe that cam kill people by just falling over onto them. Or a midget with a reallly tiny dagger, and he lives inside the loot chest with his tiny dagger. I am flexible with either honestly!


Are you serious? Are you actually willing to pay two fucking hundred dollars for the devs to get something back?

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Totally agree, we need more immersion and content out of our towns! There’s so much more that could be done like expanding it and leading our troops to battle. but they should make us pay for the additional content, and I bet they would get it too

I would lol

Seriously, paying 200 bucks for having graphics you enjoy more seems like the worst waste ever.

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Not for the graphics for me I think they are fine. But for a substantial amount of additional content such as the expansion of our towns and things like that I could see myself paying that much for dlc releases. I mean they could probably charge 50 bucks a piece for big expansions until the next game came out. Just build it and build it there’s no limit what they could do with a game like this

DO you know if the next dlc release will require a new game to play ?

Some people have more money then sense.

That’s more reasonable, then. It’s too much money though, 200 bucks are a lot but i payed almost that amount to have all the content of battlefield 1 and nowadays it’s normal to see that prize if you wwant all dlc.

wouldn’t take $200 too literally

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