Ingame Nudity ?!

You’re such a pathetic drama queen… :stuck_out_tongue:

As good a reason as any, C’est la vie.


hahaha, that reminded me of this one bit:

Peter doubts

I agree, and they matter to me for the same reason, but I still think reducing a pledge from £1,200 to £3 over this one issue is ridiculous. Unless he’s joking, of course.

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Don’t trust him. He is just making himself important and want somebody to beg him to change his mind. Even if it was true, 1,200 or 3.000 is nothing in current state of complete pledged amount.

Don’t know about you, but to turn my nudity off I usually just put some clothes on… If you don’t want to run around naked in the game, leave your clothes on!


yup, because killing is like who we want to be. Nudity shows who we really are.

Now, why people watch TV, play games, etc. ? :slight_smile:

ultimately, those things are trivial compared to something like weapon and armor degradation system. i hope they polish and implement things that are actually practical from a game design perspective.

the novelty of streaking in town and watching the guards chase you probably lasts 1 minute, i doubt that’s worth the time and effort to implement even a rudimentary npc reaction system fr that particular event


As some already noted, nudity should be used only if it adds something to the story or the ambiance being created at that moment. The Witcher 2 does this pretty well, it’s definitely racier than other games but it fits the characters and the world they inhabit. So no nudity just for the sake of it but only applied strategically.

I agree no nudity for the sake of shock or awe value, but nudity because it makes since. It really does if someone is dead on the field and you’re such a low life that you’d loot their corpse you might say “those are a nice pair of undies” and take them wash them and give them to your girl friend.

Edit - Waste not, want not!


Basically what I learned from reading this thread for almost an hour, and what the argument boils down to is that people for nudity basically want sex in their game more than anything since that’s what it really has recently boiled down to, why do we have porn again?.

Some people just don’t like nudity in their game, this game is still being made but seriously fuck those that don’t want nudity right?, they’re totally fucked up bunch of people so it doesn’t matter what they think though, should totally beat the shit out of them while you’re at it too since you don’t care about those people.

Already new here and loving how people treat others who just want a game with options or mods to make it fair for both but no it has to be one way.

FYI don’t give me any lip or fancy speeches, I’ve already seen those, the point has been made well enough and the behaviour pattern set.

Agreed, this is a mature realistic game from a European studio, so I hope they don’t shy away from sex.


Ok I see me tweaking some special parts in character customization :wink:

there is no character customization. read the faqs

Mind your language, pal, please.

BTW The official statement on nudity is in this thread already.

Ah didn’t know that. Thx, mate!

Scheint ein “wichtiges” Thema zu sein aber wir sprechen ja hier über die Ausgestaltung eines Spieles.
Homosexualität ist einerseits eine sehr individuelle Neigung, andererseits egoistisch im gesellschaftlichen Sinne , denke ich (das ist jetzt keine Wertung) Möglicherweise stellt es sogar die Spitze der Evolution dar, weshalb es auch im Mittelalter gesellschaftlich und auch in der Gegenwart noch vom Klerus geächtet war/ist. Konsequent homosexuelle Verbindungen sind nicht (mehr) in der Lage, sich genetisch zu reproduzieren. In einer Gesellschaft, in der Nachkommen für das Überleben unverzichtbar sind, ist Homosexualität also kontraproduktiv. “Seid fruchtbar und mehret euch” funktioniert nicht.
In einem Spiel beinflußt Homosexualität bestenfalls das eigene Spielverhalten, also den Umgang mit den vorhandenen Spielelementen. Homosexuelle haben ja nicht 3 Beine oder 2 Köpfe, es sind identische Menschen mit einer innerlichen, differenzierten Einstellung in der Beziehung zum gleichen Geschlecht.
Ein NPC könnte darauf eingehen, oder auch nicht, den Spielstrang würde das kaum beeinflussen. Unter konsequent mittelalterlichen Bedingungen wird es, bei Bekanntwerden, eher zur Verkürzung des Lebens führen. - leider reicht mein Englisch nicht für komplexe Inhalte, sorry -

Seems to be an “important " issue but we are talking here about the design of a game .
Homosexuality is both a very individual inclination , on the other hand selfish in the social sense , I think (which is now no rating ) Perhaps it even constitutes the peak of evolution , which is why it was socially and also in the presence of even outlawed in the Middle Ages the clergy / is . Consistently homosexual liaisons are not (no longer ) able to reproduce itself genetically . In a society in which offspring are indispensable for survival, homosexuality is so counterproductive. " Be fruitful and multiply” does not work.
In a game homosexuality influenced at best their own gambling behavior , so how to deal with the existing game elements. Homosexuals do not have three legs or two heads , they are identical people with an inward , differentiated adjustment in relation to the same sex .
An NPC could go into it , or not, the game would hardly affect strand . Under consistently medieval conditions, it is , if disclosed, could , more likely to lead to the shortening of life. - Unfortunately my English is not enough for complex content , sorry -

I completely disagree. I would direct you to my above posts. Sex is the last thing nudity should be about.

Yes, without question. Nudity is part of real life then as well as now and it is in less of a need for parental controls, in my opinion, than violence with intestines pouring out of the opponents’ bodies. At the same time remember that the Catholic church was all-powerful at the time of the game. The hussite wars that began a decade or two later were the first wind of change in all Europe - Luther, Calvin and like theologians would show their banners about a century later. So, when you show off nude in the public (for no better reason that to provoke I mean), your future will likely be painful.

Not even that much tbh. Some nudity without a sexual connection was quite common in medieval cities. For example people just relieved themselves in the streets…

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