Is there patchnout 1.9 for the PC version?

An HD Forest Pack will never include more polygon versions of meshes.
HD is only for some shity textures who arent the real problem by that downgrade.
Short, a simple HD pack will never give the forests a BETA style back. That is a illusion!
These crypted BETA package files are the greatest fuck ever!
Copyrights and Licenses are the greatest shit on Earth!

Yes, but for Warhorse it wouldnā€™t be a big problem to return the high polygon meshes back. If they want, they could do this in a week. Maybe a month, but does this matter? The fact is they could do it.

The next game should use SpeedTree for the forests. This are the best trees and games looks always shiny with this.

How difficult is it to understand that under ā€œHD forestā€ I meant the forest-from-the-beta?

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I donā€™t know! Ask those people who calling himself developers!
They are most time complete out of range and doing some stuff that isnt really cool.
As example, they cut the graphics and adding a high resolution texture pack into that concept^^ Because 4k was more important! LMAO, 4k! XD

What the hell are you talking about, rataj?

During beta = Very ultra poly tree mesh design.
(PC oriented, reason for smaller world at the beginning of the development?)
(And yes i know that a alpha and beta only shows what can be possible)
During Console Integration = Replaced poly tree meshes with end user standrad meshes
I call the vegetation now moreā€¦

plus, a mainstream marketing strategy = A HD-Texture Pack to give for example the 4k users a better end visual for ultra big monitors, which are laughable without the high poly tree meshes and especially the details in object placing. This does not mean that the game overall does not have very high and precise object placement in all. Here, of course, the joke and the exploitation of the hardware industry is the reason. (10% steps) For what Warhorse, of course, bears no responsibility.

But i can say, i agree more or less. In a certain kind of engine styles, SpeedTree looks brilliant but for games on Cryengine not really in my opinion.