If Oblivion was made at the same time and on the same game engine then no, KCD would not be better.
KCD is a hack and slash FPS with swords and axes, while Oblivion is an RPG.
I would rather play KCD style gameplay in an Oblivion RPG system…I can only hope WH goes this route with their next game.
I still want to go back to Morrowind just so I can punch Forgot in the mouth…
Lol uh what? KCD is a RPG. If anything, oblivion’s combat is considered more hack and slash than KCD.
How best to answer this… well i guess i could start off though very different games the answer is YES this is a heck of a lot better than Elder scrolls Oblivion the game is based in reality holding true to the era it was placed in. that can’t be said for very many games. I just hope they don’t bow down to idiots who want them to conform to modern politics and ruin a fantastic game.
who also want to simplify and skyrim the game.
edit: Rant
I think that they’re both great.
Dunno. I keep reading Skyrim was such a mess that it takes a hundred mods to fix what the game company ignored and still ignored as long as they got their money out of it.
At least WHS is actively on the fixing path.
I meant ‘blivion
Well, technicaly you only need one mod to fix the game. But Bethesda keeps pushing out new Skyrim versions without officially implementing those fixes and for consoles they cannot fix those bugs.
The game improves a lot with more mods though and it has some advantages to KCD. Oblivion on the other hand needs at least one mod too which makes loot based on what the opponent is carrying and enemies do not scale with you and get placed in brackets instead. Without this the game is unplayable for me. I used to say oblivion was my favourite Elder Scrolls but I was wrong. Once I replayed it the error of my ways was evident. I feel it was the TES game that has aged the worst. KCD IS better than Oblivion in every way imho.
But oblivion was great too.
Your reasons why you say you can’t compare both games are so cosmetic. It reminds me to the guy that only listens to Black Metal so he hears all those bands as so very different when in reality they are all basically the same thing. Then he hears any other kind of music and just thinks it’s “weird music” (you can swap black metal for any other very limited genre if you want).
The Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall was more of a fantasy open world sim than Oblivion.
Personally, Oblivion is the first, first person RPG game I had ever played & I was totally hooked. Oblivion was the first game I played on the Xbox360 & I was still playing it by the time Skyrim came out. Skyrim was disappointing because it was vastly different to Oblivion, though the graphics were better. I would say that almost everything about Oblivion is better than KCD. But I will point out things that makes KCD better. First off, it’s a new game & is a fresh experience that feels like Oblivion or Skyrim, it’s historically accurate, which I like. The combat system is significantly better, the graphics are better, though a lot of the time, even though my computer is really good & even though I toned the graphics down a bunch, the textures still are slow to load if I run or gallop somewhere too fast. there’s a good story line, dialogue is fine also. But Oblivion had something special. We could enter the realm of the Daedra, the world felt HUGE, the cities were awesome, there were a fair number of citizens in each village & city & they at times felt bustling & lively… Not sure what else to add. I guess that’s it. KCD is still a great game
Oblivion is one of the best games i’ve ever played, it was a revolutionary game at the time & different from anything I had played up to that point.
What has Oblivion revolutionized?
I like both for different reasons but I prefer KCD. I prefer Oblivion to Skyrim, tbh. Skyrim seemed a little watered down at times.
How so? Alot of fantasy games were open world before Oblivion. Not trying to be a smatass I am just curious what exactly you mean.
I agree with this x100.
Skyrim and Fallout 4 are both boring as hell. The stories absolutely suck… I don’t even really remember what they were about honestly. Also combat is terrible in skyrim. If you had said Fallout New Vegas you would at least have a decent argument.
The story of Skyrim absolutely sucked for me, indeed, but as just an open world in which to roam around, explore, do things etc, I had a lot of good fun with the game. It was a great game that took at least a 100 hours of my life even if I never progressed much in the story that it wasn’t really trying very hard to tell.
Then came along Witcher 3 and I fell in love with that even though it’s more action than RPG because it had not just great graphics but also great story-telling, then came along KC:D and it has quite decent story-telling and missions, the graphics are good (though not as great as Witcher 3), and it has a much more RPG like levelling system than Witcher 3 has making it less “game” in a way.
About Oblivion, well I have started playing it recently but didn’t yet get past the intro. I still look forward to playing more of it one day, see the cities and castles etc, but I guess that it feels a bit dated to me compared to more polished titles like W3 or KC:D …
Oh and Skyrim was virtually unplayable without at least the SkyUI mod. Way too cumbersome UI otherwise.
But all the great mods available for Skyrim really did boost the game - new characters, new items, new storylines, new areas… I hope that KC:D will get mod-support which is as extensive as this!
Oblivion the first fantasy open-world sim?
This game is from 2005? And where it’s a sim?