KCD 1.6 + Hardcore now available / feedback

Ashes took the wind out of Kornelius’s desire to clean up. Looks like he took up bog diving

I will keep a eye out for them now. Thank you🙂
I just did Ginger in a pickle and I just passed the battles up. I’m playing with all 9 debuffs. I bleed too easy. So I try to avoid as many battles that I can.

It’s suppose to give trophy at end of game

Yep gotta have a torch it’s what I did but then they join the attack or run

Smoke signal for help Henry :dash:

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I found him going to The bandit camp😆 He was wearing it. I was going to knock him out and take it, but I stabbed him by mistake lol. I had to patch up the hole.

I had one in my possession but did not use it. A “use A” text showed up at the pile and just pressed a button

Ya u gotta have one on u