Kcd Addiction Anonymous

How did kcd affect your life?
Are you slacking on your job because of daydreaming about Bohemia?
Are you considering choking people when walking behind them?
Does your local church bell take you back?
Are you seeing cumans in parks?

Lets talk about it,you may have a problem


I do have some of these problems :slight_smile:

Please feel free to tell us.

I only order slivovitz (saviour schnapps) in pubs and refuse to eat anything but red beans from a pot. I also greet everyone with “hey, X has come to see us!”


For me i see charmonille and eyebright everywhere.
Picking flowers in local park.

Got kicked out of the local bar because i kept screaming for ale.

Getting frustrated with the spawn rates in my local woods. I haven’t seen hare or deer all weekend!
Also keep habitually feeling for the sword that isn’t on my hip.


when i went to the local rathaus,they acted like they never heard of sir divish and Sir Radzig…

Also got a fine for public nudity yesterday.
I was switching to my Inn Outfit before entering the pub.


I get angry when I get in my car and realize that I can’t Fast Travel…

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Got pulled over for speeding. I tried to persuade the officer . . . he didn’t back down when I told him his superiors would hear of it. It was bugged and my empathetic perk wasn’t working, so couldn’t see his stats. I have magistrate III, should have gone for the speech option. . . .


At work, when my lunch break was approaching and my pizza awaiting, I seized my belly and with a Henry voice I groaned: “Ough. I could do with a bite to eat.”

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Happens to me all the time.
I haven’t got out of bed since 13.02 couse I’m waiting for a fix patch to fix the bugged fixes applied to previous fixes.


Last thursday i bought a new microwave.
At home it appeared that the digital clock was not working.
I went back to the store and started screaming i demanded to speak somebody and that they would immediatly fix MY problem

You, Sir, are hilarious! Thanks for the LOL on a rough Monday.

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Yesterdsay I walked to the 200m distant Supermarket and my clothes were completely covered in dirt
somehow they dont get 100% clean when washing them myself
sudddenly I realised I have to go to the next whorehouse

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I’m training with Bernard too much lately :slight_smile:


And you dont even like beer :joy::joy::joy:

I mean… it’s not cool to scream at them but isn’t it technically the store’s responsibility to replace or repair the broken microwave they sold to you?


See, it wasn’t a AAA microwave that he paid a AAA price for. He really should demand a full refund, and be able to keep the microwave as well.


I had the same problem. The darn thing just blinked 12:00 incessantly. I hit it with a hammer half a dozen times and the darn thing just went dark all together. I’m guna try and get my money back for that peace of garbage! :crazy_face:

Went to my local swimming baths recently and asked the receptionist " a bath for 2 please and ermm everything that goes with that"