Yeah, I’m the one disrepecting him. I just said mafia and mafia 2 are great games. I also love the hell out of KCD. You are the one criticizing.
For my knowledge. The people working on this game are experienced, at least for a big part. The fact that the DLCs so far are complete trash has little to do with the production staff. Even though it is buggy it is still only 2 hours per DLC. This shows more that there is something wrong on top. I think the top just won’t spend the money and time to make a proper dlc. The positive rating is now 24% which is an absolute disgrace. Less than one if four likes the DLC.
Ok 2 hours for 9.99… about the same as going to a movie then? Does that 2 hours include the free content along with it?
Let’s see if I add that 2 hours to my 120 hours during just my first play through that is 122 hours for 70 bucks. Doesn’t sound like too bad of a deal.
Daniel’s tweet revealed what the release notes didn’t. He admitted WH gimped the game to address a different issue. He did so in response to WH forum user tweeting him evidence of massive popin on console. PS4 1.6.3/1.10 admitted the game still had issues but WH was working on it
Whether you or I like the game isn’t of any relevance
This game should of never even been released on consoles but I’m sure they needed the money.
Of course there is going to be massive pop-in on consoles… Doesn’t the PS4 have a 5400 RPM HDD in it?
WH made the business decision.
Btw, the popin isssue is pretty much gone … at least on my console. So, why shouldn’t it have been released on console?
Your PC arrogance is part of the problem
The 2 hours is what you pay for. Thus free content not included. You can’t really compare a movie to a DLC. Totally different things. Totally different production costs. Totally different value. I can do silly comparisons as wel. Netflix costs 10 bucks. Can watch 24 × 30.5 = 720 hours. That means 72 hours per euro. Dam the DLC is 0.2 hours per euro. This DLC is garbage. You see, silly comparisons.
Exactly how am I being arrogant? The game had to be massively downscaled to run on a console that is 100% fact.
Why can’t you compare a movie to DLC? They are both forms of entertainment. Except you don’t get to go back to the theater and watch the movie again whenever you want.
Oh and netflix only costs 10 bucks??? Because I’ve been paying 12.99 every single month.
Netflix is also entertainment. Even more the same. DLC i can play endless. Netflux I can watch endless. Both I can do at home from my pc. Both have high graphics. Netflix and DLC are more simular than DLC and movie. If you take a silly example for your argument. I can do the same.
And you will pay well over 100 dollars for netflix for one year. And the year after that… and the year after that
you and other PC snobs said the popins were because of consoles. you assumed. You were wrong. said they couldn’t be fixed. Wrong.
you say the studio shouldnt have target a broader audience to make money to pay the bills and put WH is a better financial position going forward. That’s arrogant af
Of course they can be fixed…by massively downscaling the textures.
It’s pretty much common sense that a SSD is going to load textures faster than a 5400 RPM drive… I don’t think saying that makes me arrogant.
Textures 1.6 vs 1.7 on console … downgraded? Not really
With 1.7/1.11, I can do the Rattay race back and forth without a problem something PC snobs such as yourself said I couldn’t/wouldn’t be able to do
I couldn’t tell you… I haven’t played it on consoles. I’ve seen screenshots though and the textures are extremely low quality compared to the PC version.
Let me guess, that makes me arrogant for stating that fact.