KCD player base dropped by 95%, Vavra denies

The thing I don’t like about giving a game a critique (any game that is) in a forum is some users will auto interparate as it as hate speech towards the game. It’s not, but unfortunalty there are some that don’t seem to understand this point.

I enjoyed this game very much, but replay ability is very limited. I finished the main quest middle of last month, and I am pretty well leveled up. ATM I went back to the game cause I just wanted to open those “very hard locks” so like somebody posted above I’m “moonlighting as a thief”. Problem I found is I have opened most of those hard locks out in games map and am now opening the “very hard locks” in Rattay and talmberg, but guess what those “very hard locked” chests contain…dresses…freaking dresses and various other clothing. No special items or items actually worth stealing…so what’s the point?

I have so much money, but I can’t spend it on nothing. There are very few side quests and most relate to the main quest anyway. Sandbox elements would have made the game much better. I would love to rebuild skalitz for example, I would love to go to certain towns and help solve problems etc…but nothing.

Basically this game is one huge map filled with pretty forests, with some bunnies and afew deer. Hunting at best only serves to increase your bow skill and once that is maxed it’s pointless. I don’t need to sell game cause I already have more money than Ik what to doe with lol. I liked the ideas somebody posted with regards to guilds and maybe putting Henry’s skill to use instead of just convincing guards all the time.

It’s still befuddles me as to why the game map is so big, yet so unpouplated, Ik they wanted to convey the feeling of a vast open world, but what’s the use if it’s empty cause outside the towns there is nothing to do. Usually when I play these type of RPGs I do the main quest line and associated side quests, then I do a map clean up, in which I will totally explores the map and points of interest, and usually stumble apon various other side quests, this game there is nothing like that. A missed opertunity.

So yes lol the player base will have dropped of if 95% of people who bought it finished the main quest line, cause hello…once it’s finished there is basically nothing to go back and do!


You are really confused.

Took the words right out of my mouth

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Oh my god, are you trolling?

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Oh please :roll_eyes: But think what you want!

It doesn’t matter what I think. It’s about facts.
You said I’m one of those KCD haters, so you must be confused. That’s a fact. And now please stop trolling. Good night.

KCD 4.2 rating, ~200 reviews
W3 4.8 rating, ~6k reviews

Common Sense
KCD 4/5
W3 4.8/5

KCD 8/10
W3 9.3/10


What I want to know is:

Why don’t we have the option to let Henry be a cross dresser in secret? Technical, wearing a monk’s robes/outfit is equivalent to a woman’s dressing gown minus the wimple. Seriously, with tons of groshen to waste at the town tailors and cobblers, Henry’s got to be the most dandified Cad in all Bohemia. And he’s got his own room at Talberg. So tons of space and privacy to practice a secret cross dressing fetish – or refine his glorious metrosexual fashion style :joy:


There it is again. Hubris. Mankind’s favorite sin.

That exclusive factor so characteristic of so many Kickstarter disciples I’ve met on these forums to date.

Are you quite sure you’re not an Altmer High Elf turned degenerate who was banished from Nirn?

Finally someone understands what a fact is. I was really getting worried there.

Soo what? I finished the game… liked it a lot… and moved onto another game. I def got my money’s worth… imho.

I hope they have an expansion or maybe do it again with English history or something. Maybe something with flexibility to affect the story and create an alternate history.

Uh yeah, Mr. Guru, you’re the best, with most knowledge!
Did you compared KCD yet with Mount & Blade or Civalvry? I can post you some links for the correct forums, where you can tell the people how worse KCD is against your lovely titles! XD
Your words smell like cheese :scream:
And next time dont tell poeple what they have to do, if you’re an troll poster too.

So i will stop maybe if you can first tell me in english what it does wrong? :blush:

Now i surely trolling, but you want telling us what games are, so now, lets do it but yeah, in english please! And if not, maybe the people from these other games can help you.

Ridiculous, i’m out of here!

Troll me if ya want don’t care.