Apparently, DHL spent two weeks trying to deliver my package to a CLEARLY EMPTY HOUSE (i.e. big windows, nothing inside) rather than check with USPS for the forwarding address (they’re supposed to check them against USPS records before returning to an international sender).
My shipment (KING backer) thus, was returned to them on February 22nd. I didn’t even discover that they had tried to deliver until yesterday (March 1st).
I immediately wrote to customer service, provided updates to my address and asked for the item to be reshipped.
The response I received? Well, I’ll just quote it here:
" we have been trying to deliver your collector’s edition of Kingdom Come: Deliverance for last two weeks.
Our delivery service (which in most countries is DHL) have not been successful to get in reasonable contact with you so far.
Please do following: (a) should you have any email from delivery services in which you were asked for some action, please do respond and act as suggested or (b) please log into you profile on our website and check the waybill on the website of the distribution company, which shall show delivery status and requested action that need to be done.
We are doing our best to resolve all cases where the delivery was not successful yet, however we also need regrettably inform you, that should there be no action from your side in next two days (i.e. by Friday March 2, 2018), the parcel will either be send back or will be destroyed with close to none possibility be delivered again in future. Thank you for your understanding."
That response was received on March 1st, so now it just seems like they’re going to drag me out today and claim deadline passage and well, GTFO.
I’ll leave it to you to guess how happy I feel to have backed as a King in this moment.