This was my original response to someone who said that it still had not been fixed…
"It’s not going to be fixed because it’s not a bug. If they enable fog and weather effects like that on the consoles the game won’t run at a decent framerate and would become unplayable. Volumetric effects can’t even be turned on on some lower end pc’s. You can see there is indeed fog and cloudy/dark weather in the game when running on a high end pc "
I wrote that in response to this…
“I have version 1.7 and the issue has STILL not been adressed!”
Then you chimed in with…
“That doesn’t make any sense.
As mentioned above there is storm and cloudy weather during the prologue and it can run on lower end PCs and consoles.
Volumetric fog can’t be turned on in settings that means that it is not officially in the game, it is just graphical effect, if you don’t have volumetric fog, it doesn’t mean you can’t have fog in game, you can it just won’t be volumetric.
I’m playing on PC and weather is clearly broken, if I try different settings the issues are still the same:
-raining during sunny weather
-rain is often very short like 1 minute (I know it could happen, but it should be rare)
-no other types of weather”
Now what about my original response can’t you understand or doesn’t have anything to do with the topic??? You said that the weather is clearly broken on PC right after I posted a video showing it wasn’t. And mentioned that volumetric fog doesn’t mean you can’t have fog when I never said anything like that. Yet, my post doesn’t make any sense? Ok man…whatever you say.