Lady Stephanie or Theresa? Which do you choose?

Who wouldn’t dream of having a noble medieval milf :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Well… maybe the medieval mill maid too. And uh… Maybe both together? :heart_eyes:

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lol. His missions are fun, we get in a lot of trouble. Hes my second favorite NPC currently after the Priest who you party with

I took a bathmaid on my way to see her. Had to take a shower, so I might as well get everything taken care of; dont want to be a one pump chump when I get to my main squeeze



Stephanie is a bit past her prime but her money makes up for that. However, she’s married to a grumpy old guy who owns a dungeon. No future in that at all…

Theresa is young but poor. Fun for now but she’ll certainly lose her looks after a couple more years toiling in the mill. Besides, do you really want Peshek as an in-law?

So I’m thinking I’ll stick with the bath wenches :slight_smile:


Peshek is not her father, and hes not all bad once you run some missions for him. Plus, with your wealth and renown, you could turn that mill maid into a noblewoman in no time. From rags to riches. Throw Peshek some property or something small and that takes care of that. Still see Stephani on the side, cuz you know Divish isnt doing anything for her.


Henry was born common so will remain common unless he’s awarded or allowed to buy a title. A rich commoner, perhaps, but never a noble. So with his money, his best option would be to buy a brothel.

I dunno. They have 3 sons. Plus, they’re all about Henry’s age or a bit older, which makes seeing Stephanie a bit creepy. Also, it means she wasn’t entirely truthful about her backstory–seems to have been some conjugal visits going on during Divish’s incarceration. Either that or she was banging Robard, whom she was “thrown alone with”. So you can’t trust her at all. Given that when a noblewoman got caught banging a commoner, things went very badly for both parties (despite it being expected that noblemen would bang common girls), she’s obviously crazy with self-destructive tendencies. Like I said, her husband owns a dungeon and is drinking buddies with a guy who owns an executioner/torturer.


sir Radzig took him in really fast and Henry is moving in the ranks really fast. The story may not tell of it because it’s realistic and Henry is not real, but someone like Henry would definitely become knighted in no time and be moved to nobility for sure. He’s pretty much single handedkh responsible for saving Bohemia in this story…or so far anyway, I’m not through it entirely. I did finish the line for Theresa and it seems that’s it for her and Henry, though I strongly hope not. I would like a family/living system after the story line comes to conclusion. Get a job as a guard doing patrols and ridding the countryside of bandits, or becoming a hunter/farmer.

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ALL … both and all bathing girls, every day …
free saving as a bard and at least 500m with clean clothes LOL

Even when I was in the monastery , every day, you know that bugs in that sleeping room are terrible

I did find it odd that there is no further interest in for Henry. He can’t even talk to them,
much less continue in a relationship.


If being knighted requires a king at this time and place in history, Henry’s SOL for the foreseeable future. The king that might be so inclined is in prison and the other hate’s Henry’s guts. And given Winceslaus’ neglect of his duties, I rather doubt he’d be bothered to knight anybody after the war, assuming his side wins.

But even if lesser nobles can grant knighthood, knighthood is not ennoblement. It’s not a heritable title, it’s an individual award given by mortals, not divine right. So at most he might be “command sergeant major” to somebody like Lord “Castrated Rooster”, but never more.


Good enough for me. Even if you’re not technically a noble, you may as well be with how most everyone treats you come mid game…assuming you haven’t been raping and pillaging

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Dam straight

Boned them both, hope it don’t bite me in the ass like in witcher.

Stephanie didn’t even have a proper scene though just one massive fetch quest and black screen .

Not sure I’m gonna bum Hans though. My Henry don’t get down like that.


theresa will be like my official and sthephanie for noble conections and favors so both


Besides, “capon” means “castrated rooster”. I’ve often wondered if this was an inside joke at WH


is just me or all love scenes after you completes the quest just end and the npc not even change the way the talk to you


Theresa’s got to learn how to better handle a sword

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I didn’t even realise capon was bumable.

Hmm. Couple that with Hans vs Jan/Johan (or John)… is this a slight

Lady Stephani is way more important thus a much biggee conquest