Large scale battles and sieges... how will they be realised?

Im just wondering how the large scale battles and sieges will be in the later game.

I for once liked to command my army in several waves in sieges or coordinate the infantry, cavelry and archers on the battlefield and sometimes rush in and help them out (such things could also be a morale boost for the nearby troops if they have their commander in their mids).
In Mount and Blade, which is so far the only firstperson game (I know of) for sieges and larges battles, I was only able to deploy up to 500 units on each side. More is not possible because all the units spawn at one point and just push themself away from that point and sooner or later the game crashes (how disappointing).
In sieges it is not fully possible to let your archers and crossbowman advance and to let them take cover behind shields and let them fire on the enemy for x-Time while your engineers may deploy the other siege engines and before you decide to advance (and maybe in the meantime wait for more reinforcements and scout around the area to find weakpoints). Flaming arrows and mediaval mangonels on the castle defenses with all the small stones for the infantry on the other side are also a no go…

So the big questions are:

  • how much units can we expect on the “large” scale battles and sieges and how much will the cryengine be able to handle?

  • what commanding possibilities will be there for the player? Will there be skirmishing of the light infantry and archers before the “heavy metal” big clash parts? :stuck_out_tongue:

  • what timescale can we expect from those big battles and sieges? There have been several historic battle that lasted for 10hours and more and I personally wouldn’t mind if the ingame battles take up to 3-5 real time hours. Sieges of course even more with the option to let your archers shoot towards the enemy all the time (while keeping them supplied of course)

I personally would enjoy a game with all these possibilities and while standing in line with the rest of the infantry, hearing the arrows and bolts flying around me and piercing my shield…
Can we expect these features in the game or at least is it possible that these functions can be modded in later by a very competent modding team?
I really don’t know what the cry engine is actually able to do, so maybe we can get some clarity from Dan or victor in the next updates? :slight_smile:


what also just came into my mind:
-how about the dynamics of the landscape?

Large battles and siege camps will definitely alter the terrain. Not just that it might get very muddy over the time, surrounding villages and farms can also get raided by the enemys forces for supplies and such…

But that’s probably something that’s definitely to hard to realize??