Layering system and medieval clothing explained [lots of pictures]

yeah tatars include cumans

The liner worn under bascinets was sewn to the bascinet most of the time.
You actually provided sources for that yourself, check the inner edge on the bascinet, right below the lifted visor:

While that is a modern reproduction, there are many originals which feature small holes that could be used to sew a liner to the bascinet.

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Its like saying Russians include Czeschs. Before the conquests of Genghis Khan, Tatars were around north eastern part of the today’s China. While Cumans were around north of Black Sea even before Hungarians conquest of Carpathia. [quote=“Dushin, post:60, topic:9396, full:true”]
I was always under the impression that Tartar was a blanket term.

Turkic peoples within Mongolian Khaganates called Tatar by europeans, it is a mistake like saying all people in the UK are English. But saying “Cumans who took refuge in Hungary are Tatars” is an insult
on a par with “Irish of Republic of Ireland are English”.

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I once called a few Irish girls English by mistake. That’s a surefire way to get some hate :smile:

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Hello, The illustration of briaes above is from the 13th C. By 1400 I would think the knee-length braies were not very modern and not worn by anybody but the poorest. Short braies were used from c. 1350 together with full length separate hoses and by 1400 also fitted braies were used with joined hoses (latest fashion). Women undergaments were commonly just a linen smock. It would add some detail to the game if different classes wore diferent undergarments as well… and you can not wear joined hoses with knee length braies…

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Very productive and well made post!
Thank you!


Thanks, I updated my original post with your quote and some pictures of a joined hose. I chose a model that appeared a bit later for a shock effect :smile:

I believe they (briefly) showed some examples of joined hose in the character creation video.

Sec i’ll look into it.

It’s at around 2:50 if you’re having trouble finding it (they show some examples of longer tunics at around the same time).

I already included it, it’s the red one correct?

Yeah, just saw it in the first post.

I don’t want to see the armet helmet in the game. It’s too far removed from the setting. If it is, it has to be very, very special and very, very rare. Maybe a quest. Again, I hope it wont be and I don’t think it will.


Cuman stuff was like that. As they said there would be cuman I hope we could be able to obtain such stuff.

The term “Tatar” is not really right. Atm the Golden horde had splited.
So it was different Khanats, most of them were fighting in russian fields against Timurids.
Anyway I think there is some Khanat like crimeans that were spending terror in the west.

I’m not a huge armor buff, but I do find it very interesting, so thanks to the OP for the great post.

I know, i explained it in my other post. I just pointed out to extra “R” at that post.

Those armors are from Cuman-Kipchak confederation era. I dont know how their “heavy” armors looks like at 1403 but in the game they are modelled after this mural from 1080c.

You can see Cumans without armor in the trailer

Yeah I missed the guy so I answered you.
most of cuman heavy armor can looks like that, with the helmet you’ve seen on the first pic I posted
(guy in blue)

Thank you very much for this Dushin! Very interesting to read!

No problem, I hope you enjoyed it.