Learn from the Witcher 3

The new hardcore mode has some annoying features. The map markers are gone, you cannot see your HP and such and such. The thing is, you either have to take all these realistic things for granted or you don´t get any. With the Witcher 3 you could chose to disable a map marker, you can decide to remove the mini map. KCD has to learn from the Witcher and put more control in the costumer. If I like to play without a map marker but with a health bar, why should the game restrict me in my ability to play? It would be better to let everyone chose what elements of the HUD to use. Hardcore mode would not suffer. In HM you would still have faster hunger, less HP, and such and such but then with the option to customize the HUD.


I always hated bottom part of the HUD. If you watch the screen you can tell about where your health is. If you listen, you can tell your stamina is low.
Why leave yellow dot though? That thing is the worst.

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I don’t particularly love TW3…I don’t hate it but I don’t find it special.However I love this game but I gotta agree with what you said.

I love the dot! It’s purpose is to pinpoint to the game and you what you are interacting with, be it opening . taking. inspecting, or orientating talk to.
I keep it even when shooting.

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It way to distracting. I know where the center of my screen is. Not to mention, I can’t stop staring at it while on horseback. 99% of the time, I ride with my bow drawn but then it’s bouncing in and out of my view.

Not putting you down at all but it seems you view the world ( real & virtual) with a very centered view point. I don’t. I have learned over the decades and owning & watching my cats to not concentrate on a center point ( exception being motion sick in an small aircraft/glider… but that was caused by looking around too fast). That’s why It doesn’t bother me. I see it but It is not THE thing I concentrate on.

Why would anyone want to learn from a bad game with MMO-like interface

It’s not bad as a fantasy hack and slash lead you by the hand rpg imitating game goes.

Funny thing about the dot, I didn’t care about it until someone said the dot is annoying and intrusive. Then I started to pay attention to it and eventually had to remove it with mods lol. So intrusiveness is a subjective matter, but the fact is - this dot was absolutely useless and unpractical. Hitboxes for interacting with things are large and you don’t have to aim at them precisely like in Morrowind for example. It could only be of some use if aiming with bow, but you know… I didn’t feel any difference after removing it (besides not seeing this huge golden pimple all the time)

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I put almost 30 hours into W3 and turned it off. I couldn’t get into it and he sounds like he’s pooping every time he speaks. :roll_eyes:


ever try to retrieve an arrow? pick an herb? get that sword sticking out from under a body? Talk to an NPC? face in brush and don’t know where the horse head is? Some of those have a small “hitbox” like the arrow.
Un fixating on something can be hard. but can be done.

Even there the dot is kinda useless because often you have to aim at small thing slightly off-center, under some weird angle etc, well you know how those glitchy hitboxes work when they’re small, at least this is how it was for me

Lol my thoughts exactly


You guys, this is the main point. Some like the dot, some others don´t. The point is that you should be able to decide. Something which is not yet and in the game.


Fair point, but not with healthbars and stuff, because they’re not just UI things but supposed to be ‘hardcore’ elements and provide additional challenge. And I’m not a fan of being able to change difficulty in the middle of the game (like, again, in witcher)

Okay health button maybe not, but the rest definitely.

A customizable HUD should be extremely easy to implement.

I think you meant Witcher 3 has a lot to learn from KCD. Immersion especially.

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Please, keep blasphemy to yourself.

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If you are playing on PC there are mods to get rid of the yellow dot completely and to get rid of the hud.

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Witcher 3 is fortnite of RPG …just a fad for kids…