Left Handed Gamers

We go by many names: Lefty, south-paws, The Sinister, Touched by the devil, Barack Obama, Osama bin Laden, and of course Ahmad Khan :smile: Yes Left handed people, and most importantly left handed Gamers.
Will we be able to use our left hand as our dominant one in the game, and if so would we be able to engage our weapons from the ‘left side’.
I understand like most cultures being left handed in medieval Bohemia wasn’t something you flaunt around, and I also understand it would be bit of a hassle to add additional programming mechanic for the left hand side.
If left-handed mechanics are added it would surely be a delight for me and other left handed gamers. Other wise i don’t mind playing the default right hand position,like most left handed folks i taught myself to be ambidextrous.


Left handed people are spawned by the devil and shall surely be burned at the stake!

Just kidding, just kidding. I wouldn’t mind an option to be left handed for those who want that. I’ve recently started to practice my left hand at drawing, even though I’m right handed. I’m aiming to be ambidextrous, because that’d be awesome and I’d be popular at parties. Just kidding again.

Only drawback I can see is that the way combat is done would be different and might involve more work for the devs. Enemies would parry your blows differently, as you would theirs. Fighting people with shields, they would have to turn to deflect your blow coming from their right. I guess right handed people would be at a disadvantage fighting against a skilled left handed person. Righties wouldn’t be used to fighting lefties, but lefties would most certainly be used to fighting righties.

Having that choice would be sweet even though it sounds like it would be difficult to make. With your sword in your left hand you would have an advantage when fighting up spiral staircases in towers because they were specifically made turning clockwise to hinder sword users(right handed) attempting to capture the tower.


Now I understand… nobody expect slap from that side! :smile:
I think it is good idea if doesn’t take much work. But image how other minorities would felt…

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Yeah it would be hell to add fully fledged left handed combat since they are doing it via simulations of reverse kinematics. Not necessary scripting the moves and fight. And yes, left handed people are spawns of satans, so they werent allowed to display theyr left handed skills :P. So I dont know, I doubt they will implement that. From the mechanicall stand point, does only right hand for left people somehow makes it harder ?

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i read somewhere left handed people are better sports/video-gamers then the right-handed people :wink:

Siting behind a computer and masturbating isnt a sport (buuuurn). Kidding

But really, does the right hand being the primary somehow restricting you ? Or prohibiting from playing, etc… ?

its a bit awkward, the keyboard/mouse are designed for right hand in mind so i have to buy special left hand keyboard and mouse. Have to change key map to better fit my left hand, ditto for controller mapping. Bit confusing in the new game tutorial as well to understand the moves and stuff but after a few tries its feels natural, the human mind is amazing that way.

I understand the mechanicall thigs like having a different mouse, keyboard etc… But if it doesnt affect you in game I think its not worth to adding the left dominant hand option. Especially if they go with realistically simulating the physics. We must remember this still isnt a major tripple A release, they dont have infinite budget.

Actually i never say they should add it,in my original post i state it clearly, if they did it then it would be awesome,if not then its no problem,I will learn to play from the right side,might take a bit longer then right handed people but totally worth the effort to play this awesome game.

In catholic school I was forced to be right handed, though naturally a lefty. So my hand skills didn’t quite become exceptional in either, but are mediocre in both. I guess that is sort of a good thing. Haha, really I only commented because of the game being about religion and natural fighting somehow both fit in with the many years I spent in catholic school.

I don’t believe being left handed was looked down upon in the medieval ages https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=138-9_Jd4Jo

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Considering how in-depth and strategic the combat mechanics seem to be, taking different handedness into account would definitely complement it. I fenced as a kid, and the fighting style completely changes when facing a right or left handed. It would help mix things up and keep combat from getting repetitive.

Besides, I’m a leftie myself and having the option of fighting as a left-hander would be pretty cool. It might be tricky, as pointed out above, but if it can be done I’d be very much in favour of it.

I think that the main problem is, as stated before, is the extreme amount of dev implementation to craft the left handed. Not to the pose itself (as it is a mirror) but for the interaction between left and right swordsman. Movements should be totally different in some cases and combat becomes kind of weird (i.e. usually sword shield combat each sword is oriented at a shield, with a left combatant you have both shields and swords facing each other).

It is a very nice detail but maybe it will implemented later in other acts (as I fear the addition doesn’t balance the ammount of work required).

About left handed combatants, I read a book about the mayas i think (or the aztecs, I’m not sure) that explained that they had left handed swordsman praised as better swordsman. The fact is that one of their trials for foreigners was to fight against 5 right handed swordsman (in waves) and if the foreigner survived, he meet a last left handed swordsman. If he defeated him, he was spared from the crime (and death). The reason they appointed is that usually right handed were not used to fight left handed people and the left handed people usually only fighted right handed, and for this they were more used to the irregular situation and were able to exploit it better.

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Well, the book didn’t specify but I supose he was refering to them as when the word “sword” in a japanese historical book tends to refer a katana.

About left hand training of course it could be a possibility but that depends on too much variables (I would rather pick a lance rather train my other hand…)

In heraldry, the left/right distinction is Sinister/Dexter which I think probably accurately describes the ‘feeling’ around predominant left hand use of the times ~ something sinister and unnatural, rather than the dextrous ‘normal’ way. This attitude was still dominant when I was at school ~ it is only recently that equipment designed for left handed use has been made available in schools, rather than attempts made to fix cackhandedness by “education”.