Let! Me! Save!

The problem is that the game disconnects several times a day because it’s new and not bugfree, besides this it disconnects when steam does patching at night for a couple of minutes which then results in a X amount of time lost.


Let me save!

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If you are lucky, you can find a treasure with a recipe for the save-schnapps and can make your own potions at the alchemy labratory.


100% agree, the save system is ridiculous.


Couldn’t agree more. There’s a lot to like about this game… but this morning, lost about 30-45 minutes of game time simply because I’m stuck at this part, no Save Snchopps, can’t sleep (can’t delay!), and due to a bug, I’ve lost my ability to Sprint and Jump. I want to simply restart my client to fix this bug… but because I CANNOT save my game, I finally had to go to work and lose all my progress.

I get what you’re going for… but you need to have at least a Save on Exit feature, like Fallout 4 Survival Mode. You leave the game, it creates a temporary save, you come back - it erases it. This is so frustrating it’s impacting my enjoyment of this otherwise very good looking game.


Just a simple save on exit would do, so you start at the same place you left at. I don’t have time to play hours and hours so this will be a problem for me. And, before all you toxic people start about “It’s realism”, I applaud all the realistic features in the game, it’s why I bought it (that and the historic setting) but this isn’t helpful not saving.

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There seem to be quite a few threads about this now. I hope at the very least we might see a save-on-exit system in one of the next couple of updates.

I understand the want to save anywhere, but in the meantime why not just put your PC/XBox/PS4 to sleep and resume when you are ready to play again?

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I don’t think the limited saves add any extra ‘fizz’ or excitement to the game. It’s just plain annoying.

Definitely going to be installing one of those unlimited saves mods tonight.

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As long as they don’t replace the current system for those who enjoy playing that way and add manual saves as a separate option, I don’t see why it would cause any problems for anyone.

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One solution for that is that it could be optional (for example Mount and blade warband where you can choose realistic wich doesnt allow you to save or unrealistic with saves)

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Yes, this is a real issue. I played for about 45 mins last night, at the beginning of the game so did not have a potion. I just put it on pause and left my Xbox on all night. This renders my xbox incapacitated until I can get to a “save” point. I agree as a skyrim player that save on demand is kind of negates the realism, but there should absolutely be the option to make the adult choice if you want to save at will, but at the very least save when I exit out of the game if I want to use my machine for something else. Great game so far!


I’d be ok with that being an option, but I just make sure I’m near a bed for now, because Save Schnapps are just to rich for my blood ATM… :rofl:

I played Skyrim. I didn’t save scum, I didn’t use fast travel, I installed immersive mods that added food/water/sleep/warmth requirements. It was a great experience that I enjoyed very much. I didn’t need the developers to force me into it by deliberately creating frustrating save mechanics.

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Or just drink a damn schanpp. I have almost 2k and I can buy plenty of schanpps at 70$ each. Earned almost 5k total but been spending on repairs and horse and new gear and such.

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“I’m having fun so stop complaining” is not a valid response for someone having a genuine gripe with a game.


How much time do you have played?

It took me exactly 10 lost minutes (I tried the game just before going to bed and that was the time since the autosave when I wanted to quit) to know it would seriously impair me playing the game.

I don’t have all the time in the world to mess about trying to save the game before I have to go do stuff that is rather more important than video games. It’s a pastime, I will not let it rule my time.


I get it, I’ve lost lots of time also. However it’s easy to earn money and purchase schanpps as they Game was designed

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If it’s so easy, what’s the point of it being a mechanic? You’re saying that it’s not only annoying, it’s also completely failing to do it’s job. that’s not a good thing.