Let! Me! Save!

To prevent complete utter save abuse like you can in Skyrim, or at least to deter and reduce it. Provide a much better RP experience with emphasis of the important of the decisions you make.

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That would have been far better achieved with a 5-minute or so autosave and no manual saves. that would lessen the impact of bugs as well. Iā€™m coming up with this on the fly, they had years to figure it out. Thereā€™s literally a forum-full of ideas right now, each better than the one in the game.


If you can currently save whenever you want because you have so many schnapps, what is the point of it being a mechanic then? Surely at that point it is just normal saving anyway, so it would be no problem to just implement manual saves?

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Just play the game beyond 20hours instead of the 5 you probably have and then get back to me

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Get back to you with what? How the mechanic is either:
A. Still as much of a problem and making the game unplayable
B. Not an issue and therefore completely pointless and has no reason to exist in the first place and nobody loses anything if itā€™s removed (your preferred answer)
C. Iā€™m already using the mod which removes it and enjoying the game regardless
D. Iā€™m already using the mod which removes it and not enjoying the game, which means it would suck even more with it

Which answer is the one youā€™re actually hoping for?


Not much as reason in this world, why bother play this game when in a year youā€™ll have forgotten about it.


Maybe because we also backed this game and want to make sure that we can enjoy the game as much as possible?
We arenā€™t trying to take away your fun, just trying to increase our own. Why is that a bad thing?


Even if you can afford lot of schnapps and you can save every 3 minutes, you will get drunk as Russian tankist, so it still makes sense :slight_smile:

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Yes, please allow me to save the game when I feel itā€™s needed. So far I have had 5 crashes while playing and each time itā€™s very frustrating to have to start the quests over again. After my last crash I lost 3 hours of play and just donā€™t feel like going back and doing it over again. I think itā€™s funny that you feel saving kills the immersion because running through town after making so much progress to crash and then restart waking up in your bed completely kills it for me.
So Iā€™m done with this game until an update allows saving when I want. If not, enjoy my $60 because itā€™s the last bit of money you will see from me.


To be fair, I like the idea. But itā€™s one of those things thay may look great on paper but, eventually, sounds a bit too restrictive.

One solution as far as Iā€™m concerned would be to allow Save on Exit (you quit the game, it saves). It kinda work because it prevents you to abuse the system (I mean, if you have to quit the game and launch it again each time you want to quicksave, itā€™s so annoying you wonā€™t do it to abuse the mechanics) and it also allows you to ā€¦ you know, live your Life when things hit the fan.

I thought the same thing when I learned this was the save system. It sounds really good on paper, but it just doesnā€™t work well when playing.

I wish I would have known about this before I bought the game. It makes it unplayable for me.

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They will do something about it

They will do something about it


Really need to be able to save on exit. I canā€™t just leave my computer on every time I need to step away to take care of real life duties. Itā€™d be great to be able to play until autosaves, but itā€™s just not a realistic expectation.

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Youā€™re welcome.

You can save for free by sleeping. As of now I only pay 97.2. For the save mead. I really enjoy this feature. It makes you think twice before running in like a mad dog. I just killed some bandits took all thir items. Placed it on my hors. Sold everything for 500. Its easy to come by money in this game. If this is somthing you truly hate. Wait for modders to make it free.


to the people defending the position, right on. I totally agree it adds a level of realism in playing. That being said, I just lost 2 hours of progress because some thugs attacked me randomly and then ran off which caused the game to not let me save after doing a huge amount of questing and exploring THIS is why saving is needed more Automatically. Perhaps, even a toggle? If not, i guess the mod will get more and more popular.

It is coming