There was… Cheats show
… but i can’t even like it when they even give not one single statement about the how and why they are doing this!
yes I know I cheated a sword myself I meant when it was not implemented like it is now
You meant, when it was not the devss intention to have it available for us
Do not recall this one being posted yet.
wh_dlg_chatbubbles = 0/1
This command toggles the line of text over NPC’s heads.
its really handy for taking screens and videos, I can now get some decent cinematic shots of the bailiff being chewed out by his wife.
I am typing the commands into the console and nothing happens. When I type it incorrectly, it tells me that it does not recognize the command. When correct, nothing happens. For example, I am trying the add money or the add item commands. No effect. No console response when I try to save, either.
Am I missing something? Am I too early in the game to do this?
Many of the console commands have been disabled, like money and items.
wh_ui_showCompass 0/1
wh_ui_showHealthbar 0/1
wh_dlg_chatbubbles 0/1
g_showhud 0/1
r_motionblur 0
t_scale 1/10
I am sure there’s more functioning still but the above are commands I personally have confirmed for being active in 0.4.
isnt the idea of us having this alpha is so we can fully test it? I am having sh*t luck with getting more money and even after 3 sessions i still can’t get enough to get a bow and arrows… Just enable the money cheat, i hate it when they disable cheats in single player game.
So im back for today-again after a long time:
Biggest reason i think atm is that we shouldnt be able to access already “not fully as intended implemented+balanced, but already in the gamecode+files” implemented features like places, items and mechanics, cause opening up one thing may unwanted open up others!
But for the most of that what u have said i can only agree!
Anyone tested if Anything unlocked again since betarelease?
I have already asked directly nothing has been unlocked more was locked.
Have to remove the opportunity to false bug report.
g_show hud 0/1 off/on
both still work.
That is really f… awesome how they tear down a thread & topic that is so important/interesting for the com. ! This thread has one of the most hits but with every patch they differ more…sad thing…
I’m sure its temporary, people were reporting false issues before and the closer we get to release the less wasted time on goose chases the better.
IM sure that the commandsline is something that can cause some errors that wouldn’t be there over the pure gameplayway, but on the other hand there could be shown some mistakes that could be fixed mutch earlyer…or they could be reproduced very easyer which is impossible for now… but n my eyes their biggest reason for this was, to hide things from the players that are already ingame for later patches, like the sword&clothes(which was unlockable) or the village outside the fence(which was hidden due to their command line restricions) etc., but what really annoyes me is the fact that there is no official statement about this…
r_antialiasingmode 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 still works and the r_antialiasingmode 4 looks the best and has the best performance for me.
Furthermore you can use nearly all commands from this list:
Why would WH need to make make an announcement about disabling something that is initially for them to use?
I have never seen any developer make an announcement about disabling console commands, and many developers disable commands that would allow leaks of content prior to being in presentable (even if unpolished) state.
I understand your frustration, and share some myself but its for the benefit of the development in the long run so how can it be bad? I wanna peek behind the curtain to my friend, but I understand the need for such things.
is there command for 3rd Person view?
because it is very bad to play as a spectator. first persion view is unplayable.
No there is not.
Believe me, if there would be the thirdperson command, there would be the other commands and there is non, so there is no 3rd person command
i for myself have tried multiple ways to gain 3rd person with looking into other cryenginegames and modifying files, but nothing helped… if there would have been a way i’d posted my general succes (without pictures to tease) but atm i cant claim anything about this…so listen to the forum maybe in one of the future patchs we will be “re-enabled”
I am playing the game now with this comman wh_pl_NearZ 1
but I dont see my full character, just part of it but it is still better as playing with spectator.
Third Person and First Person View has different models