Lock picking with Controller after Patch 1.3

Who in the world writes emails with console when the majority of people own a phone, pc or tablet? Are you trying to give the most ridiculous replys or what? Just a kiddie troll?

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For everyone having a hard time on console. The only thing you need to do with the left thumb stick is rotate counter clockwise. Just keep doing full circles its a no thought action. You do not have to keep it in line with your right stick. Think of it like if you were holding a key down. To hold the “key down” continue to rotate, to stop holding the “key down” stop rotating.

Then with right stick keep it on the sweet spot.

Tip: exit and re-enter the lockpicking mini game until the sweet spot is close to the center ring for more ease. Once you’ve got it figured out this won’t be necessary

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who in the world plays complex games on consoles? writing emails is just an analogy
you cannot simulate keyboard or mouse by console controller
 as such, console controllers are only useful for simple-control games like racing, arcades, not rpgs like this
 think about it

My lockpick is at 20 but with the controls it makes it harder then it should be when using a joypad and I know its not skyrim

Kingdom come is complex? Yeeaahhhh
 one axis to look around and another to move with a few keybinds
 real complex. I think you may be over exaggerating this a bit. There isnt a massive difference between wsad and a mouse over and a controller with 2 sticks in a game like this! Fair enough mouse keyboard is better for shooters but nah you’re talking ****

I just bought the ring off the executioner for 14 Groschen. Good luck :slight_smile:

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Please give it a rest, trolling isn’t necessary, I play on PC and use a DS4 controller, I’ve been gaming since the late 70s and I’ve worked for a PC sim developer since 2004 so I’m no “kid”, and yes I have a PS4 as well thank you, some very decent exclusives on it.


Easy peasy :wink:


Am I the only one that found the original lockpicking system incredibly easy, the 1.3 patch one is harder?

Really? I thought you weren’t supposed to talk to him about it. Ah well now I already knocked him out and stole his key
I just hope he won’t be angry with me later. :sweat_smile:

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Stop complaining, I made Lockpicking Lv 20 before the 1.3, It is really not that hard? Do you also complain to your boss if he ask you do things
My god, What is wrong with the people these days.

As dumb as it sounds
 take a Savior Schnapps just before lockpicking. It’s worth it. Just keep practicing, watch tutorials just keep reloading if you don’t get it. It is difficult to start out- but you’ll get it. And when you do, it’ll make sense.


Lively debate
anyway I’m finally getting somewhere with lockpicking on XB1 controller
as mentioned above patience & practice is the key. Biggest plus was when I levelled up to the point where lockpicks last twice as long before breaking.

With regards to finding/purchasing lockpicks it would be nice if a future patch included the means of crafting a lockpick yourself
what do you think?

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I think that as well

Thank you :slight_smile:

You’ve summed it up for me very well. At 54, I now type with 3 fingers and one thumb. I have a number of nerve-related issues, including Neuropathy. This makes my hands very dumb indeed!

I have found however, that focusing on always using the “Footpad Potion” (gives you a +5 to your lock-picking skill) - Alchemy Mastery I found to be quite easy, as was herbalism as well. So by combining finding skillbooks, paying for training, using potions, the patch, and only touching easy and very easy locks, I’ve just now made it to level 5 after going through roughly 80-95 picks.

Ps4Pro here

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All they need to do to fix lock picking is let the lock rotate with L1 or L2 or whatever L bumper. Then just keep the sweet spot with the right stick and it’s a much better system.


I’m glad that I have reached so many people so far, and that the most of them understand and even share my Problem. First I did not know if I should open up that Thread. I was afraid, that the most comments would be like this: “Oh my god another thread about Lock picking. Just uninstall the game if its to hard for you.” Now It would be really nice if the developers from Warhorse (and other Companys) understand, that are not just hardcore gamers out there who can play every game without any problem and that they do something about it.


You don’t have to kill him or knock him out. Use your words
 think of the children of the poor lost executed guy - is a ring as a souvenir too much to ask, Good Mister Executioner?

And that’s all the left stick is actually. Just keep rotating it and it works the same as holding down the L bumper. When it first started i made the mistake of thinking you had to keep the left stick in unison with right stick, like a balancing act. That was incorrect, you just keep rotating left stick