Nah,it’s really not that bad once you get used to it. Just practice. Lock picking is meant to be difficult if you haven’t done it before. I understand that this is a game and that it’s usually easier in other games, but the devs are going for a little more realism in this title.
The issue is that they have the starting difficulty set way to high. It gets really easier later when you level up, but that beginning is just too high a hurdle for most people. It is not supposed to be easy, but when the lock is “Very Easy”, you would think it would be easy for even new lockpickers. They just need to lower the difficulty at the beginning a bit so its not so frustrating that you want to rage quit.
(on Xbox X) I can suddenly lock pick very easy, easy and even hard lock picks. I don’t think I “git gud” I think it was patched? I am only lock pick level 4 and can nearly get a very hard lock done, even though it says it’s too difficult.
I saw somebody post somewhere that they had found a way to make it much easier on console and I can vouch for them. I went from being unable to open anything, to opening three crates in a row - including the two in the executioners house!
The technique is:
Lay the controller down on a hard surface - I just sat on my hard wood floor - and use two/three fingers on each analogue stick to move them, rather than your thumbs. It gives you far more control and stability, which is the key to opening the locks. Like I said, I’ve opened three crates now so I’m pretty sure this is a technique that others will find really useful!
Let me know how you get on.
Noob detected
I suggested this to another poster, it may have been my post you’re referencing, but either way i’m just glad to hear it works for ya! =)
Just reminding everyone dont forget about your lockpick skill! If your level zero youre not gonna be good at picking locks now are you…? Get experience.
At level 0 even “EASY” locks say that they are too difficult for you when you load a lock.
Start with a very easy lock - like the door to the left as you exit the Miller’s house.
Keep reloading until the sweet spot is as close to the inner ring as possible. that way you don’t need to move the right stick (PS4) too much.
It took me a while to get it down but no I can unlock very hard locks at level 11 no problem. You just have to keep practicing. I thought it was impossible too but now it’s too easy lol.
I’ve broke 40 lock picks so far and still failed to open my 1st easy lock. I’m on PS4 and tried both slow and fast and can’t open a lock. I’m stuck and given up.
It’s very difficult, but try “very easy” chests/doors, those are a lot easier than the “easy” ones.
Whoever invented this terrible lockpicking game honestly deserves to lose their job, make it different sure, but don’t make it impossible on consoles, half the time it stops reading the motion of the left analogue stick, it’s so unresponsive and broken and nasty, if the next patch doesn’t massively improve it I will honestly just return the game. I usually love lockpicking in games but you guys royally fucked it, Jesus Christ.
lmfao, dude. at lv 5 lockpicking i was picking hard locks. u have to learn lockpicking via reading. youre probably just not good at it. keep practicing
well you can always pickpocket, but that’s not really any easier
It doesn’t help that the darn thing keeps shaking all over the place, but practice makes perfect. God knows I’ve broken a ton of lockpicks and reloading saves just to get past the easy chest Peshek offers to train you with. Have patience, learn, and lockpick more often. The more you do it and the higher your level gets the easier it gets. Trust me.
thanks I was trying easy finally fond some very easy and now I have my lockpicking skill up to level 3.
Just got this game because why not cool story I know right?
Anyway yeah lockpicking the millers chest is kinda LOL then I seen someone go around the building and pick the door near the chest so I did the same thing and sure enough it unlocked pretty easy.
Its kinda still broke on PS4, not impossible, but a bit more frustrating than it should be for the PS4 IMO.
For everyone wanting the whole realistic experience well I mean it is just a video game right? entertainment right?
Meh just my thoughts.
The lockpicking is NOT hard. It’s just different than what people are used to. I really hope they leave it as is,
The only change I would make is the difficulty of the lock changing without skill level.
What was once a hard lock now showing as easy as it’s far below your skill level. Locks that are too difficult saying impossible. Etc.
Love the style of lockpicking though.
Yeah it’s like archery, the higher your skill the less you shake.
I am playing on PC with MKB and I never really understood the frustration about lockpicking. it is really not that hard with MKB. harder maybe than in other games but that is somehow the point of this game for many things and I like it a lot.
Then I plugged my PS4 controller in because I wanted to understand the console side and I have to say that it is ridiculously hard with the 2 sticks. I also don’t understand it:
With MKB you have to just push a button to rotate the lock and follow the sweetspot with your mouse, that is easily doable. But rotating the thing with one stick and follow with the other was not really enjoyable. I opened easy locks but I have some levels in picking and then the easy locks forgive nearly anything.
Simple solution to even out the difficulty between MKB and controller would be to also assign a simple button to rotate and follow with stick. That would be the best solution I think and make the picks on console absolutely doable and not too easy.