Lockpicking is impossible on console

My apologies, I came from a search engine and didn’t notice it was for consoles.

I would like to see an option to just force chest open with weapons or smash lock to pieces. Like in real life most of buglarys are done…

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8 hours now trying to pick locks and still not one lock picked. i have 28 lock picks and have reloaded the game maybe 50 times. i have like 6 quest that require lock picking and i still cant get the DLC armor because some of it is in a locked chest. i guess this will be the 2nd game i am unable to beat. first being warhammer total war 2 on PC.

Agreed, seems fine for me on PS4. Its difficult, for sure, but the more I practice it, the better I get at it. Having said that, if its bugged for others, that really does suck.

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So i got something for yall today. Loads of people have been complaining about the lock picking which is meant to be hard at first as henry is supposed to be dumb as dirt, However riddle me this.

So i am in Ledetchko and i choke out two guys no witnesses to get an item. I leave and am now in Rattay my rep in Ledetchko has since gown down to nothing… Tell me HOW THE FUCK, they know i did the crime when i koed them from behind and am now miles away?

You guys are complaining about a small part of a bigger issue the crime system in general needs an over hall not the bull that it already is.

I’m not having any problems on PS4. I can’t do anything but easy locks, but my lockpick skill is only 2. So that’s not surprising.

I think some people don’t realize you have to walk before you can run.

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I was able to do hard locks at lvl zero :joy:, but we all learned to ride a bike at different speeds :wink:

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Personally i am picking every lock i come across except the ones that it says you cannot pick this yet. I am picking them the first time every time, I have level 12 lock picking. Once you get past about 4 you can pick locks like its childs play. Thats why i am saying yall need to be up in arms about the real issue.

I’m happy they don’t force you to open whatever you lockpick like in Skyrim

as am i to be totally honest. I also like how they made it not a cake walk to do so. Learning to pick a lock should be in all games you should just pick it up and be like oh look i got it open.

I find it’s more of a personal skill then a Henry skill tho, which hurts many players

Perhaps at first but later down t he line once you get a good ways in my 3 year old nephew who can’t keep still could do it.

Practice makes perfect

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That is exactly what this game is about.

Yeah you can’t choke people out or kill them at all, even without witnesses your rep goes down, it’s kimd of stupid.

It should Be hard, all the merchants gear and silver are in very hard chests, if it was easy everybody would be fully kitted out early on.

I agree completely with this. Picked up the game a couple of days ago. I’m on PS4. I started off, and after having read this, I was expecting it to be bad. My first actual lockpicking attempt was with the miller. (I ended up just jumping off of a bridge to get out of the castle.) It was bad. I was trying to be precise, and it broke, and it just wasn’t working. After reloading a few times because I kept running out of picks, I found the rhythm that works for me. After practicing a bit on the test lock, I was able to talk to the executioner to get him to go away, pick open the door, his chest, and the chest with the key without breaking my pick. Practice is all it takes. And a tip I guess, because it’s what works for me, is to not go TOO slow. As soon as I sped up, I found it EASIER to focus on keeping it in place. Of course, there is a balance there. Too fast is still too fast.

After reading a bit more on the thread, it seems people are starting to have actual technical issues with lockpicking. As far as that goes, I agree it needs to be fixed. Otherwise, the lockpicking system is fine as it is. If you aren’t good at lockpicking, then either practice, or find another way. I can’t really say if it’s easier then Skyrim/Fallout or harder, but I like that it’s different. Some have said that it’s realistic, and though I can’t really agree on that, I do think it’s more realistic then Skyrim. In all reality, unless you’re an idiot you aren’t at fear of breaking a pick when actually picking a lot, and a lot more goes into it then just finding a single sweet spot. To sum things up though, my opinion on the lockpicking is that it isn’t too hard, I would actually be very upset if they made it easier or changed it, the only thing is that the technical issues the PC players are having need to be looked into ASAP.

the lockpicking on the consoles is not “hard”, its frustrating and broken, and there is a difference. challenging and rewarding when you succeed and being frustrating to the point of not enjoying the game are two different things.

It’s not impossible, it just takes a bit of getting used to. At first, I completely avoided lockpicking because of how difficult it was, but now I’m decent at it after maybe 3+ hours (in total) doing quests that require you to lock pick. And if you want, go to a locked door (this is what I did), make sure you have lockpicks, save the game, and keep practicing on getting it open and reload the save until you’ve gotten better. Hope this helped!