Lockpicking is impossible on console

So, Miller Peshek’s statement about a maiden’s cherry is actually misleading

Yes, VERY…

At the beginning of the game (X1) I also thought that the lockpicking is impossible but now I’m on level 6 and it really becomes easy now.

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Yeah mine is level 11 and it is so easy i recommened just sitting there in the training part and keep opening the same chest over and over again, this will then level you up and make the game a lot eaier as there are side quests that require you to lockpick very hard locks and you will need to be the right level to open them

LOCKPICKING IS FINE. Play Skyrim or become a bard with all that whining.

It is not that the lock picking is difficult, it is that the game mechanic on PS4 is absolutely broken. Also the noise of lock picking alert everybody around you all the time. I gave up on that as it is not fun at all. You can become a master in lock picking in real life in the same time that you spend watching the loading screen between lock picking attempts in this game. (And Skyrim system is much closer to reality than this one by the way).


Jep, feeling the same…

I eventually figured it out. It sucks at the beginning, no doubt about it. But if you can find enough Very Easy locks, you can pick those fairly easily with no perks. Also, pay the miller for training as well. Once you get to level 3, you can get the Long-lasting Lockpicks perk and things become way easier. I can pick the easy locks super easily now and with more levels it gets easier from there.

I agree and there are several (perhaps many) quests that absolutely require you to pick locks. The quest with the first miller is totally stuck for me because I cannot progress after buying the item rather than lockpicking. The quest to fetch a crown failed because I could not open the chest after killing the bandits.
I would really love to know how other Ps4 Pro users have managed to get by this problem. It’s making me quite miserable as the game is otherwise so brilliant.

The biggest thing is to find very easy locks and try to open every single one that you can. Also, just spend hours fiddling with the system and eventually you’ll get the hang of how to twist the thumb sticks. It’s boring but it was rewarding to start actually picking locks without praying.

I play on the xbox one and I am now routinely opening very hard locks.

I find that the sweet spot expands as your skill in lockpicking increases so you have an easier time, my controller rumbles less, and I got a perk that starts the lock closer to the finish point so I have to spin it less.

Just like Archery, Combat, Horsemanship, and well, everything else in the game, it gets easier as Henry gets better.

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This. I also play on Xbox, and at this point there isn’t a single lock in the game I’ve found I can’t get within seconds on the first try. I’ve managed to sneak into all the shops in rattay and stolen everything from the shop keepers safes in minutes. Every one of those locks are very hard and it even tells me it’s too hard to pick but still its easy. Once you have the gold spot you just have to keep rotating the left stick non stop quickly basically while focusing on the right stick location more. I think people are concentrating too much on both sticks when the left one just needs to be continuously rotated without paying much attention to it other than that

yeah, I post… “I am not trading it in yet, I am holding off trading it in”.
But anyway, now the patch is here I’ll be playing it tonight.

Yeah, cuz its totally “doable” to hold your left stick completely still while you find the dead centre of the sweet spot, if the sweet spot was a couple mm wider then it would be possible to do some locks in the prologue, instead if you let go of the left stick the lock snaps back to upright and the sweetspot moves back to the original spot. Not to mention you can still break a pick even if the sweetspot is gold. @senkcalB You sir are a god amongst men for this, already seeing how much easier it is going quicker, its now potentially doable once you get an idea of where the sweet spot is going to move

Are you fucking kidding me?! Because the pick snaps instantly if you try and rotate the left stick and the right stick isnt constantly perfectly in the middle of the gold

Still shouldnt be impossible to do at the start tho, instead of breaking 100 picks just to level up the stat enough to complete Easy locks

Hi Guys i read most of the replies here i am also struggling to even pick a lock on the training chest that Peshek even gives you 10 lockpicks to start off with. I have even reloaded the Good Theif sub quest a few times so after 50 attempts the lockpick breaks its having to use the left joystick that keeps breaking thats going slow or even fast as some youtubers say to do. I play KCD on Xbox One the question i like to know how many times do i need to reload the same side quest to master it at least on very easy? I can use the buttons on the Xbox One controller fairly easy just not working both joysticks at the same time if you focus on keeping the ball in the sweet spot makes it difficult to use the left joystick to rotate 360c soon as i move the left and attempting to keep the ball gold with the right after a few seconds somehow the ball stops glowing and the lockpick breaks. Like i said done this fast or slow makes no difference lockpick breaks and playing KCD on normal surely the game Devs could make the ball glow longer or can keep the gold ball still while moving the left and say your lockpick does snap then allow to continue from where lockpick broke at least in training to get the hang of it. Plus why not have unlimited lockpicks until can master the easy locks its rather annoying having to keep reloading so Henry can chat to Peshek to train lockpicking IMHO. Another thing what if someone has low cordination to control both joysticks at the same time would be unfair to them considering a lot of us struggling with the same thing.

Well after did some searching on YouTube just 5 mins ago found something interesting just change in game settings from lockpicking normal to simplified this allows to use LB instead of using the left joystick. Using LB by holding that moves the entire lock on its own while allows me to focus on right joystick to keep the ball golden (sweet spot) after second attempt unlocked training chest that Peshek allows Henry to try on. I was about to give up on lockpicking until was explained to change to simplified doing this gave me stealh accreditation! now bring on the hard lockpicking be like easy in simplified :wink: There you have it getting frustrated with lockpicking using game controller change game settings to simplified and will find yourself ejoying KCD again.

I agree I play on pc with an xbox controller, I have to hold the LB and use the mouse to pick locks the right joystick sucks for their lockpicking method

I really do feel your pain. I play on PC, so there is a mod to do exactly that, but on PS4, you can’t go that route, unfortunately. That “easy mode” they put in recently does nothing to help this, as it just force spins the drum at a constant rate… which does nothing about the real problem of the dot jumping all over the place breaking picks, sometimes the moment the stick is touched. I have some advice to make lockpicking easier, but it’s value is limited too “hard” locks and below. “Very hard” locks are utterly impossible, no matter what I try, making the mod the only way to get into these chests. OK, here’s the advice for getting through the lower level (up to “Hard”) locks.

  • The starting position of the left stick is where 80% of the problem lies… the other 20% is bad design that can’t be fixed outside Warhorse. So, Instead of starting wherever your thumb happens to be when you start picking, likely 4 o’clock, start at 12 o’clock instead, or maybe even 1 o’clock. See, the real problem is that starting anywhere else will usually cause the pick to break right around 2 o’clock, since people’s thumb joints are just… human. So having to get to this position, especially at the late part of the pick will often be the cause of it breaking. Starting at 12 or 1 o’clock will finish the pick around 5 or 4 o’clock, eliminating the troublesome 2 o’clock position entirely.

As helpful as this will seem at first, you’ll likely have the same experience as me, where I thought this was a “eureka” moment, and all lock picking got easier and easier, until they were so simple I only carried 2 lockpicks around, and never broke any after this. But then, the wall… The last “Hard” lock I picked was easy as pie, like the ones before, but the first “Very Hard” lock was absolutely impossible. I was shocked I was having that much trouble with it, so I went and got my massive lockpick collection (never bought one, but never broke more than 5 or 6 lockpicks, only while practicing with Pashek)… then I returned to this chest, saved the game, then tried for an hour, breaking around 30 lockpicks, before reloading the save, and doing it again. I came back to it the next day and tried some more, but it was no use. I never even got the drum to turn more than one degree (12 to 11 o’clock).

I started trying different starting positions, I tried that awful “easy mode” that just broke picks instantly, but nothing worked. I had successfully picked countless locks, but this was just impossible. I had the option of using a mod that you don’t have access to, unfortunately, so I installed it, and just instantly open them now. It’s cheap, but it’s not my fault. I’ve played through this game 3 or 4 times and spent over 300 hours playing, so I’m no amateur by a damn sight, but this lockpicking mechanic really is broken. Some have no trouble with it, and I don’t know if it’s DPI settings on their mice, or something different about the controller (I use a late model X1 BT controller connected with regular BT)… but whatever it is, IDK. I’m double jointed in my thumbs, but I don’t think that would hinder me, in fact, it should help, but once I graduate to “Very Hard” locks, it’s all over.