Lockpicking is impossible on console

and i feel like some people arent trying hard enough and just start complaining.


This is 100% true xD all you have to do is get a basic lesson in lockpicking practice on very easy locks and learn to rotate it a bit quicker. People think you can just pick up a lock and do it with no issues. You start off as an average joe with 0 experience in things so it makes sense you have to practice and get your level up a bit but it seems thats just too much in a world full of games that hold that your hand through the whole experience xd

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I had the same problem, until I figured it out. The tutorial doesn’t explain well at all and it seems impossible. Best explanation is to twirl the left stick counter clockwise from 11clock every time, the right stick you need to put on the gold area and also twirl it counter clockwise in the same motion keeping it on the gold. Once you figure it out it’s easy, I have had over 50,000k now from just stealing all the merchants wares stored in their very hard chests.

Forgot to add, merchants store alllll their inventory in chests on their property in random places, generally they are all stored in the same room or close and all very hard locks, this includes all their gold. I literally now just buy an item to not have the stolen tag and walk to the other room and steal my gold back.

I can’t imagine doing that with a controller, my hand spazes out using the mouse to pick locks as it is.

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I have been trying for 5 hours now on PS4 and haven’t picked 1 lock! This is crazy hard! I was awesome at Skyrim and Fallout lock picking and they were fun to do. This is not fun and after 5 hours i am not getting better.

Having level zero lock picking skill I’m able to open easy chests on first try, my first chest took maybe 2-3 try. Just watched a video on YouTube. Hope they don’t do an overhaul.

I’ve come to the honest conclusion that lockpicking on Xbox isn’t difficult, you just need to understand HOW it works. After that it’s cake. If tried 5 easy chests and lost maybe 3 picks.

The key I find is speed, if you’re slow then you’ll allow your lockpicking more time to break. If you’re quick then that’s less time for your lockpicking to deteriorate. Speed and accuracy is needed. After that it’s cake. For real.

Like holy shit for real. The more I do this on the Xbox the easier I find it is. Speed and accuracy.

3-5 seconds is how fast I do easy chests.

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Lockpicking is fine. I dont have much experience from consoles but stop with the nonsense that with MKB it’s impossible. It’s not. You can even open locks that the game says “are too hard for you”.

Please have patience and learn stuff before complaining. Also, my friend, who plays on console, manages with lockpicking just fine.


Yes please fix the lockpicking for consoles… I can’t do it at all…

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Lockpicking on console, lvl 1

This was maybe my 3rd box as I was catching on, much easier now that I know what I’m doing

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Check youtube guys they are already working on a patch check their twitter, There are several youtube videos anyway that explain it, You don’t have to rotate the sticks exactly at the same time, If the gold circle dissapears stop turning the lock and find it again then continue that works for me all the time, I am opening locks without fail at this point.

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My way works fine for me lol, probably opened 10 chests after that thus far all without fail. Difficult says easy

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Lol i am sure, I just replyed to yours as it was on bottom, Your not complaining after all.

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Nope, I see no change is needed :grin:

Putting up a new video now that illustrates how to farm gold that can be used for loads of lock picks and how to launder items as well as keeping the guards from taking your loot.

This has not been beta tested properly, being a startup I figure there wasn’t enough thought put into the dynamics of action list where it is easy to recognise conflicts. This would have been a far better release for console if they had consulted a test bed where professionals could provide an appropriate combination of keys that don’t overlap with other aspects of gameplay. If Warhorse don’t fix this quickly they will get hate mail and well their name or reputation will not go down well for their future in the gaming community. All fish smell but this particular problem is entirely a developer issue and is completely avoidable.

Hence the issue is not that locks can’t be picked. They can be picked but the dynamics of picking locks is interrupted by 2 applications of button use in conflict because the player is not locked into picking a lock, they can still move freely and that is why halfway through lockpicking the character moves and the pick breaks.

I tried crouch against a wall and a ladder so the character was in a corner but this doesn’t the prevent the character from rotating away from the chest and result another fail.

I suggest people either wait a week at least for a fix and after that go ring Microsoft and place a ‘Flag complaint’ that will be followed up. At least if you place a complaint and the game isn’t fix for Console, you can ask for your money back because this game currently cannot be played properly on console.

Please Please Please make sure if you are a moderator that the message of how there is a problem is resolved appropriately and don’t make excuses that prolong the agony of waiting for an answer. I don’t expect answers, I expect results that work properly because they have been tested properly.

Viking did you take the basic lesson from the miller in lockpicking? And maybe find very easy locks to first build your skill up. This isnt skyrim.

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Honestly, I got from lock picking level 2 to 5 today extremely easily and can now pick the hard locks in just a couple seconds. It’s really not that difficult once you practice a bit. And that’s on console not PC.

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OMFG i cant believe all these pussies smooth gamers in this post well i tell you this am on PS4 and i think lock picking on the ps4 is not hard i think its to easy on PC where are all the hardcore gamers?

Srsly, u complain bout u cant move ur fingers with different speed.
Btw, if u cant do this - just dont. Just like irl, u need to learn to master something

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