Market slot for RPGs 2017

Perhaps this has been already discussed, but what are your thoughts about in whatever “release slot” (IE those main periods of the year when games are released) KC:D will end up in, there is really absolutely no sign of any other big/open world “fantasy”(medieval) RPG game coming any time soon, is there?
I haven’t heard or read about any other game apart from KC:D that will “carry the torch” of games like TeS (especially skyrim), Dragon Age,The Witcher etc…

The release window of KCD should be between May (speculation) and end of the year 2017.

If we talk about “realistic” RPG games, don´t forget RDR2 (Red Dead Redemtion).

With more fantasy/SyFi ELEX.

Then we have VAMPYR:

And maybe Cyberpunk 2077:

And Mount & Blade 2! :slight_smile:

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How is read dead an RPG?

There are many differnt typs of RPGs.
For me it´s the first RDR also an Action-RPG.

A role-playing game (RPG and sometimes roleplaying game[1][2]) is a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative, either through literal acting or through a process of structured decision-making or character development.[3] Actions taken within many games succeed or fail according to a formal system of rules and guidelines.<

Red Dead Redemption makes use of a morality system where players have the ability to gain positive or negative honor.[2] Honor can be gained by making morally positive choices, such as taking in an outlaw alive or saving a woman from a kidnapping. The player character’s overall honor standard is lowered for committing crimes or other negative choices. This works in conjunction with another system, fame, which affects how people react based on Marston’s honor status. If Marston has little honor, non-player characters will feel insecure around him. If he has a high amount of honor, other characters will usually greet him and feel safe around him. He will also receive discounts in some stores, more pay for jobs and other bonuses.[2][5] A very low honor rating can result in a town’s establishments closing their doors when Marston arrives. To combat this he can disguise himself by wearing a bandana when performing criminal acts; alternatively, a very negative or criminal reputation warrants the player a large amount of respect and steep discounts from bandits and fencers at criminal hideouts, such as Thieves’ Landing.>

We don´t know about game mechanics of the second RDR, but I expect some roleplay elements.

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You play a role in it therefore it’s a role playing game an RPG.

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By that logic most games are RPGs, and the word becomes meaningless.

The word RPG stands for “Role playing game” words have definitions for a reason . Not my problem that everyone misuses words now a days. :wink:

Anyway @Blacksmith covered it pretty well above.

So you think it just means any game where you play the role of a character? Call of duty, what a good role playing game.

The words that make up “role playing game” may technically mean your definition makes sense, but that simply isn’t the way it’s used, by pretty much anyone. You’re taking it too literally basically. It’s called a homophone, same word, different meaning. When these three words are used together, their meaning changes.

A lot of people also use the word Racist and Fascist to describe anyone who disagrees with their views. I don’t buy into the whole “words have fluid definitions” crap. RPG means role playing game, which Red Dead is, end of.

You wanna nit pick? Go ahead.

Kind of a difference between that, and how literally all game developers use it, how the genre is described everywhere genres are described, and how it is used on gaming platforms like steam, etc.

I don’t agree with the people trying to alter the meanings of the words you mentioned, but they’re a minority. If they were the majority, and that’s how the words were generally used, that’s what the meaning would become. That’s simply the nature of language, there’s no escaping that.

The dictionary of RPG is Role playing game. Not “Any game that resembles a Bethesda style RPG”.

You claimed that the OP was incorrectly using the word RPG, when in reality he was using it by the definition.

This argument is over as far as I’m concerned.

I asked how it was an RPG, and he told me how-___-

I didn’t remember the Karma system. Honestly, I woudln’t refer to it as an RPG, but I can see the argument based on that element. That isn’t the argument you made, he used the actual definition to argue, you’re saying the way pretty much everyone uses “RPG” doesn’t matter, that every game where you play the role of a chracter is an RPG.

The dictionary definition of feminism is “believing in equality of the genders”, why do I suspect you’d join me in not defending that definition?XD

Stop it! this is way too off topic here, and the way it is going off topic is like going straigth offroad into a cliff.
@SirWarriant if you want to answer this question, please do it in a PM, there is no pot of gold in the end of this journey.

To all users: Please go back to the topic of RPGs for 2017.

To be fair the only rpg games that could take away attention from KCD is Red dead and mass effect. the others are also small rpg games like KCD (small as in it doesn’t have a huge following like Mass effect for example).

and I doubt Cyberpunk is coming out anytime soon. We are surely looking at another 2 years of development for that game.

And even if Warhorse managed to pick a slot without the competition of other games. KCD is a niche game, lets be honest. A realistic or authentic game in medieval times isn’t for everyone. And other type of games like shooters or just better known games are a ‘threat’ to the release figures for KCD, so to just look at RPG’s is a bit of a narrow view.

I am not sure its so much of a niche game. Yes its different but not as niche as many indie games (genitalia jousting ftw).
KCD is storytelling game in the first place, and other things in the second. And I think that people are always interested in a good story.

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Usually people are interested in a good story, but perhaps not in the realistic swordfighting system and the eating and sleeping to stay alive.

But we will see what the sales will be when the game is released. I hope of course that the game will do great.

I think the same thing I have been saying for two years now.

KC:D will compete well, even if another major RPG title releases the same year.

Many of the features people question whether most gamers will want to have, have not been available to gamers in previous titles.

This game offers things that have never been done before, this is the game that will redefine to many players what they want and can expect from the industry.

Uhhhh, clearly you haven’t played M&B or Skyrim. Realistic Medieval RPGs aren’t new bruh, i suggest you read a book.

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You are talking about a Telltale game. The point that makes this game GREAT is being such realistic.

Rien de rien.
Skyrim is not Medieval realistic games and M&B focuses on the combat realism: almost nothing in common with this game.