Correct… crossguard scene/end of skalitz was all intact.
Radzig in talmberg was a 500mb hotfix after 1.34 i believe.
To be fair my version of 1.41 is, per my experience so far, without many issues that others seem to get with each change/update.
Whilst I have had one crash with the game after four hours of play, - after game start I made it to ‘wait on castle wall at Talmberg’/cutscene thereafter -
I had tried on two consecutive game days to force an issue with Kunesh in the prologue. (I couldnt break any of it, all dialogues performed).
I truly believe the age of my machine being as old as the dev cycle of this game, and being x99 platform, my rig would be of equal power to what the game was written on.
On an aged midrange (enthusiast) graphics card I run Ultra with all sliders maxxed and get very fluid framerates (with standard exceptions in a few key points that even a 1080 ti slows down at).
I do understand others arent all getting this and am trying to ascertain what needs to be done.
Thanks for keeping thread very civil and ‘discussable’.