Missing cutscenes in 1.4.1?

Steam version here as well, no probs so far… any mods installed ?

I missed a cutscene where Radzig arrived at Talmberg during the night just after the Skalice attack.

No mod installed. However I downloaded the song and texture packs HD. @famich1, have you tried with a new game on the 1.4.1?

I’m missing the same @marcello, on which platform are you? And after, are you missing other cutscenes?

(Steam version here)
I WAS missing Radzig @ Talmberg.
the hotfix fixed that for me, I believe.

Tested 1.41- got Radzig back (@talmberg)
Havent noticed any missing cutscenes since 1.41 (though my playlines and testing has been time limited to earlier parts of game)

So just to clarify, your testing of 1.4.1 early game has NOT skipped the cutscene after giving father the cross-guard, and then the attack on Skalitz?
Those are the ones missing for me.
How can it be that 1.4.1 skips certain scenes for some players and not for others?

I think that was version 1.4 where I missed Radzig caming at night, didn’t recall. Did you miss it with 1.4.1?

I am on Steam version by the way.

Correct… crossguard scene/end of skalitz was all intact.
Radzig in talmberg was a 500mb hotfix after 1.34 i believe.

To be fair my version of 1.41 is, per my experience so far, without many issues that others seem to get with each change/update.

Whilst I have had one crash with the game after four hours of play, - after game start I made it to ‘wait on castle wall at Talmberg’/cutscene thereafter -
I had tried on two consecutive game days to force an issue with Kunesh in the prologue. (I couldnt break any of it, all dialogues performed).

I truly believe the age of my machine being as old as the dev cycle of this game, and being x99 platform, my rig would be of equal power to what the game was written on.

On an aged midrange (enthusiast) graphics card I run Ultra with all sliders maxxed and get very fluid framerates (with standard exceptions in a few key points that even a 1080 ti slows down at).

I do understand others arent all getting this and am trying to ascertain what needs to be done.

Thanks for keeping thread very civil and ‘discussable’.

Thanks for the info Whitedragem.
This is confounding!
I too am on an X99 platform - i7 5820, 1080ti.
Why on earth would 1.4.1 play those early cutscenes for you and not for me?
I’m baffled. Baffled, I am.

Hi, I did the same, but remained playing the story normally.

In made a mistake, I’m missing another cutscene. It’s the one at the beginning when your parents get killed.
Support told me that Steam version doesn’t have this issue x)
Their solution is not working at the time, I’ve just asked them to send me a Steam key, it’ll be faster ^^

Yep. Like I said at the start I’m missing 2 cutscenes: the one after giving father the cross-guard, and the one after giving nails to Theresa (so the attack on Skalitz which kills parents).
Interesting you’ve been told that this is not a problem on the Steam version. Earlier on this thread Boru9 said he his missing the same cutscenes and he is on Steam.
Hopefully a patch will come soon and end this befuddlement!

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Well I am on a steam version and the only missing cutscene was the arrival of Radzig at Talmberg (for now).

Has there been an actual official acknowledgment of the missing cut-scene issue?
Elsewhere on this forum someone mentioned that ‘They know about it, and they’re working on it’, but I haven’t actually seen any evidence for this.
Admittedly I don’t scrutinise the forums and twitter feeds as diligently as some, but it would be great if someone could definitively show that WH do indeed know about this problem.


Maybe the „missing cutscene“ and the „crash instead of cutscene at straw‘s house“ are two different bugs. Boru9 only the mentioned the latter issue. So it‘s still possible (and likely) that the simple „no cutscene“ bug is not in the Steam version.

Quite possibly. I have no way of testing other cutscenes because I can’t do much else in the game unless I want to fail curing Merhojed. (And I don’t really feel like starting a new game just to test bugs.) I haven’t played in days - waiting for the next patch.

Does 1.4.2 fix it?

Problem is here. And solved. I copying old video file from 1.3.3 version (look at image with red frame) to new 1.4.2 version. This files is missing. And now, no problem.

Stačí skopírovať súbory označené v červenom rámiku zo staršej verzie do novej. Tie v rámiku v novej chýbajú, takže ich neprehrá. Musel som nainštalovať obe verzie a porovnávať, čo vlastne chýba a dokopírovať si chýbajúce video súbory do novej a všetko funguje bez problémov :slight_smile:

Nice troubleshooting

I wonder how can that happen to just forget 5GB of data. Hope somebody got fired for this.

It’s indicative of an area of improvement (aka process problem) because of an seeming pattern of behaviour … this, torch, random encounters, etc

A release change report would show this deletion of files and a traceability matrix should show this change wasn’t driven by a spec change or a bug fix